Recent content by Albert Fish

  1. Albert Fish

    Oh those wacky Muslims!

    I once enjoyed a young dark male, and the only real difference from his white companion was that he was a bit more peppery. Soul food indeed.
  2. Albert Fish

    Okay I'm ignant. Who the fuck is that in lurch's avatar?

    While I did once have a magnificent mustache during my lifespan, I'm not sure I was quite as squatty as that fellow there, he appears to have undergone some sort of facial origami at one point. Unless, of course, my vision is skewed by the fact that I'm dead and all.
  3. Albert Fish

    I think I've posted like 800 times this week

    somebody tell that dude to shut up before i eat his buttocks.
  4. Albert Fish

    HaHA! Wimmenz

    i don't suppose she's underage, hmmm?
  5. Albert Fish

    so ummm, danzig retired on saturday.

    oh sweet memory! and what a day to come out of retirement, there should be many young ones running about this fine eve.
  6. Albert Fish

    so ummm, danzig retired on saturday.

    i am mine.
  7. Albert Fish

    the iron cross

    i once shoved some iron into my crotch in a cross-like pattern, but i wasn't a big fan of hitler or the germans really. i could appreciate the nazi experiments, but they never even ate the remains, much less the leftovers the next morning. shame.
  8. Albert Fish

    Do you know what time it is?

  9. Albert Fish

    Royal Carnage March Madness - Sweet 16 (Votes Needed)

    Bracket 1: Ulver Bracket 2: Tool Bracket 3: Danzig Bracket 4: Slayer
  10. Albert Fish

    "People who hate God, love Death"

    Nice to see fans of good art. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
  11. Albert Fish

    "People who hate God, love Death"

    I smelt of elderberries, which are not offensive.
  12. Albert Fish

    Doomcifer, you filthy lying gook!

    Doomcifer, I should have devoured you long ago. lizard, you too. I'm so excited during this latest Michael Jackson trial, you have no idea the potential behind that man. Brilliance is just around the corner!
  13. Albert Fish

    ERIK'S FUN THREADS, Pt. #239: Inkblot test!

    1. The souls of dead children screaming in ecstasy. 2. A vile pit of putrescence, slowly being filled by my own spunk mixed with the blood of a young mother. 3. Letters written in purgatory while recanting all that I am (it seems this one looks into the future). 4. Christmas. 5. Severed toe...
  14. Albert Fish

    Hell Mike Motorbike on the loose

    Are you still lacking the ability to walk, Hell Mike? If so I have a flight to catch...
  15. Albert Fish

    I am here to bid you farewell, my friends & foes

    Truly shameful to neglect the real meat of mass murder, both of you.