Recent content by Alpha Crucis

  1. A

    Where to begin???

    try to meet as many different people as possible, especialy those who are or have been in bands, many bands have ex members who they are still in contact with or know people who are looking for a band, if you can fin a band who has recently auditioned drummers, ask if you can have contact...
  2. A

    Counterpoint in Metal?

    all harmonies are, are split chords, a lot of power metal bands harmonise vocals in minor thirds and fiths composing basic triads within the vocal line alone. Four point harmony would occur when bands are using seventh chords or other 4 note chords so I don't see that it would be that uncommon...
  3. A

    Soilwork sound you'd probably be better off asking that question on the soilwork board
  4. A

    does anyone know anything abou the Hush ICX?

    what the hell is an ICX anyway?
  5. A

    Beginning double bass

    I stand corrected. I'm not a drummer, therefore I don't care :tickled:
  6. A

    Starting a new band...

    My avatar was done by him, I nicked it off, (hope thats ok Niklas) the site either has or is being overhauled at the moment so I don't think that pic is on there anymore. Some of his art is almost as good as his music :worship:
  7. A

    Beginning double bass

    i heard that you're supposed to sit back so there's absolutley no weight on your feet, it makes it easier to move them fast i suppose
  8. A

    Looking for a good bass to learn on...

    I have to agree with whoever suggested Ibanez basses, I have a soundgear that cost me about £200, it was fine while I was beginning, i've recently spent about another £200 upgrading the pickups to seymour duncans and the bridge to a solid brass string-through because I like the way it plays so...
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    Post some clips of your playing

    you can find some demo songs from my black metal project at They're web mixed versions, (i'm still producing and mixing our demo) I had to keep file size and bit rate down on those songs to comply with the site regulations, but when did blackmetallers ever really...
  10. A

    Starting a new band...

    Alexi is a god, but we need way more bassists, drummers and especialy keyboardists. If Alexi's following gets any bigger, I will have to denounce him as an organised religion.
  11. A

    Starting a new band...

    If it's melodic death you're talking about, i think the most important thing is energy and emotion, and also the vocals, the music must provide the energy, but the vocals are the listeners point of referance. I'm a bassist and vocallist in a MelDeath band myself and you can tell when you've got...
  12. A

    pickups. placement and type

    I have cheap P90 soapbars in neck and bridge positions, they're trebley, noisy, and fucking brutal. I think they're great for Black Metal (which is all I use my guitar for anyway) and sound amazing with a BM style distortion. This post was going to be relevent to the topic in some way but i...
  13. A

    Death Metal Style Vocals

    I dont use by gut much either. I use it to emphasise certain lyrics. i find it gives it more power like people have been saying. I mainly do high screaming so i dunno about all this low growling stuff. Using the gut in high creaming adds almost a second layer to your voice. If anyone has got...
  14. A

    Home recording studio help: please respond

    I use Cubase SX and i have a Terratec DMX 6fire 24/96. It has a break out box which has loads of in/out puts on the front of the PC so it makes everything nice and easy and it only cost me £160! it's a great soundcard. Regarding software, you can get pirate versions of pretty much anything...
  15. A

    Behringer Bass Gear

    Anyone use/used it? I'm thinking of buying the 300w head as it's about £100 and i'm a skint musician. Does the price tag mean it's gonna fall apart? has anyone had bad experience with behringer gear? I've read some reviews on the net and all of them suggest it's amazing for the price, Is this...