Recent content by althea

  1. althea

    New Music Recommendation

    Indeed I'm a Belgian and proud of it! :loco: Great Belgian bands you listed... Zita Swoon is great, really special voice.
  2. althea

    New Music Recommendation

    Nice one!!!
  3. althea

    the mood thread

    Oooh fuck off! This is sweet and lovely and innocent... Let me have my little piece of uncomplicatedness in this hectic day.
  4. althea

    the mood thread

    Can't stop now. :grin: The More Loving One by W. H. Auden Looking up at the stars, I know quite well That, for all they care, I can go to hell, But on earth indifference is the least We have to dread from man or beast. How should we like it were stars to burn With a passion for us...
  5. althea

    the mood thread

    Poetry Day today! Het konijn Peinzend zit het konijn in zijn hok. Hij telt eens zijn keutels en neemt een slok. Als hij het nou voor het kiezen had, dan koos hij zeker het hazenpad. Bas Rompa It's Poetry Day today so I thought I'd post this poem about a suicidal bunny.
  6. althea

    the mood thread

    You're wrong there... It's succint and to the point. :grin:
  7. althea

    the mood thread

    Noooo It's great! I can't do that! I'm always short and boring. :cry:
  8. althea

    the mood thread

    a bit like yours then :grin:
  9. althea

    the mood thread

    Ahaaaa widely known... Of course :grin:
  10. althea

    the mood thread

    The cat again. :grin:
  11. althea

    the mood thread

  12. althea

    the mood thread

    I like the cat. :grin:
  13. althea

    Now Playing...

    Nope. All out of space cakes...
  14. althea

    Now Playing...

    "Mary Agnes" - LID I can hear the grass grow. :)
  15. althea

    what have you been doing today?

    I bought myself a new kitchen today! :)