Recent content by AMS

  1. AMS

    Jens Bogren stem master comparison.

    Absolutely - there are no rules when it comes to mixing. I personally also don't have any issues with bus compression, if it creates the kind of sound you like. Basically, make the track sound as good as you can and leave the mastering engineer to worry about getting the loudness up to a...
  2. AMS

    Jens Bogren stem master comparison.

    Great sounding track - well done! I would second Jens Bogren's advice on limiting. It reduces the mastering engineer's options quite significantly.
  3. AMS

    is there a "best" way to De-ess vocals ???

    The FabFilter Pro-DS is an excellent de-esser, which I use all the time to deal with overly sibilant mixes.
  4. AMS

    Bedroom mixing

    You need to be realistic. Who is going to offer you paid work if you don't have the right tools for the job? Reasonably accurate speakers are a must. I used to own a pair of Yamaha HS80s and they should help you to get started. Room treatment is not always pretty, agreed. But if you build...
  5. AMS

    the average price for mixing and mastering...

    I can only speak for mastering. The range is vast and starts from $5 per song if you use someone from and goes way beyond $200 per song if you are using an industry leading mastering house. Whereabouts you would be in that range depends on your level of experience and your reputation...
  6. AMS

    Anyone mixed for vinyl?

    Hello Everyone, I have just joined the forum. A couple of weeks ago I mastered an album for a German metal band. They wanted to release the album both in CD and vinyl format, so I sent them two sets of masters. The vinyl masters were more dynamic (i.e. less loud) and had a slightly reduced...
  7. AMS

    What are you using for reference? 2014

    The recent Katatonia album "Dead End Kings" is a good point of reference for a quality sound. "The Great Cold Distance" is also great. Really enjoyed the sound of "One" by Tesseract, slightly less so their new album. The new Issues album "Issues" is very well produced. Also a big fan of the...
  8. AMS

    Fabfilter pro-Q equalizer opinion

    The FabFilter Pro-Q is an excellent EQ, which I use all the time alongside my hardware EQs. At €149 Euros it is a no brainer, even if you are currently not making any money from your work. DMG Audio EQuality (another of my go-to digital EQs) is also very good, though EQuilibrium is perhaps...
  9. AMS

    Studio gear and advice

    I know this thread is quite old now, but maybe some thoughts on using Adam monitors is still useful. Generally speaking, Adam monitors are pretty good - they are detailed and fairly accurate. The AX7 would be a good choice for a budget monitor, but they are quite bright or rather, lacking in...
  10. AMS

    Hello from Audio Mastering Service

    Hi Everyone, My name is Chris Bauer and I run a small mastering studio in Germany. I have been reading posts in this form for ages and have finally got around to joining myself. Despite my somewhat conservative appearance, I have been a metalhead for most of my life. And as good luck would have...