Recent content by AnamCara

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    Your top 10 Black Metal albums

    There are many bands that aren't well known or aren't the popular bands in black metal that are actually good, great and brilliant. Why some become more popular than others, I haven't a clue. I think many people when they find they love black metal start with what I call the basics like Bathory...
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    the metal demos thread

    I have these 2, both really good imo and a few that have been mentioned within the thread. For me, I started buying demos back in the early 80s at shows. When a band hadn't been signed yet or was soon to be coming out with their debut, they always had tapes for sale. Many of my tapes are...
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    Band ID Question--Big Nostalgia Factor

    You got the name. Now grab a Guinness and stop asking ridiculous questions. In fact, I will grab a Guinness since you are giving me such a damn headache. You know, stupid should be sadistically painful.
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    Band ID Question--Big Nostalgia Factor

    I'm thinking maybe you should start drinking.
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    Band ID Question--Big Nostalgia Factor

    I have been known to be wrong on occasion. Its rare, but it does happen.
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    Band ID Question--Big Nostalgia Factor

    You sure you don't mean Gene Simmons from KISS? The hard rock band from the 70s/80/s. Because that's the only thing that would come close to what you are describing.
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    Candlemasses First Four albums

    Out of all their albums, EDM and Nightfall are my favorite and 2 of my all time favorite doom albums. The rest aren't too shabby either.
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    New Candlemass CD in 2011

    Well this news just made my day even better. Now I got another cd to look forward to.
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    Your top 10 Black Metal albums

    I am really curious why you probably are the only person that considers Exodus's BBB black metal. When the rest of the world, including Exodus themselves, considers it thrash. Can you just clarify where you feel it's black metal besides the lyrics? If we based black metal on lyrics, then a...
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    Your top 10 Black Metal albums

    Me too. I can't wait. Morrigan is one of my all time favorite bands ever. I loved Mayhemic Truth too but not as much as when they became Morrigan. Celts is my favorite album of theirs, though I do love it all even the splits on vinyl I have.
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    Your top 10 Black Metal albums

    Not a dude since I am very female. My husband is laughing that I was called a dude. As for my age, the man who owns my ass thinks I look damn hot for 42. Though I will always feel like I am in my teens when I pull out the old metal vinyls from the early eighties and remembering all the great...
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    Your top 10 Black Metal albums

    Well it's where I am musically right now. Had I been asked this 5, 10 or 20 years ago, my list would be different. Now, if there was a question about most influential or essential black metal, again my list would be much different and would probably reflect many of the lists on this thread. At...
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    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Wonderful album. Saw this post and just had to play the cd and am listening to it right now. The music is haunting, dark and beautiful. Great choice.
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    The "What Song is Stuck In Your Head Now?" thread...

    Woke up with Mercenary - Firesoul banging around in my head today.
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    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Dinner auf Uranos debut album 50 Sommer - 50 Winter is very rock inspired with great harmonies and a bit of atmospheric metal woven into it. I will say it is very mellow and the music is relaxing. Get it when you have a chance. I bought it rom Grau Online shop with a bunch of other cds. As...