Recent content by Andrej

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    more about Tolkien 4. The Fall Of Gondolin The most beautiful city built on the middle-Earth, It's splendour was highly acclaimed, The Noldor Elf grew mighty and strong, In the land were Turgon Reigned, Then Tuor was sent by Ulmo- The lord of the ocean and sea...
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    RPG Favorites

    *still plays Ultima Online on* there are a lot of freeshards now, you don't have to pay for playing there.
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    more about Tolkien

    hm *surfs the list* 'valar' is fine but hard to get :)
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    more about Tolkien

    Does anybody know more Bands playing music influenced by tolkien? Here are some which i like cruachan - Tuatha na gael hrossharsgrani - The Secret Fire summoning (everything)
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    Interesting(?) thought on Borknagar's name..

    That was one of the best films I ever have seen. It's decent for tolkien. The only realy strange thing was that helpless nazgul flying on his dragon, unable to catch frodo. (this scene also didn't appear in the book) The atmosphere of the film is like reading the book.
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    Are you looking forward to a concert?

    Primordial, one of my favourite bands at Weiz Austria, 24 January
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    Pet photo thread!

    Our cat, two months ago.
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    Mother Earth is dying soon !

    Perhaps the Chinese do?
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    Mother Earth is dying soon !

    It seems that the people and their government don't think 50 years forward. The horizon is 4 years, to the next election. Thats democracy :(
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    Found it!

    maxwell's demon from the 3rd song...
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    Found it!

    In the booklet, left from 'the explorer'. It's the Hourglass Nebula. There seems to be a astronomical picture hidden on every page of the booklet...
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    Movie tread

    sorry 'Ghost dog, the way of the samurai'
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    Movie tread

    anybody knows 'Ghost dog, the way of a symurai' ? 8.5/10 points :) this week i saw 'princess mononoke' a beautifull muvie.. 9.5/10
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    Ultrabass Sounds of the Giant Star xi Hya ->mp3 :)

    My first post :) Now i found something interresting: The stars not only shine, the make sounds to! Ultrabass Sounds of the Giant Star xi Hya: as mp3: very...