Recent content by AndrewUMR

  1. A

    Midnight's "Sakada" now available

    There were copies for sell at this weekend's BW&BK festival, but I didn't grab one.... so still no word on what exactly it sounds like...
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    Can we do a BW&BK roll call?

    I'll be there.
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    Travelling for Progpower

    Why anyway would choose driving over flying, given the current gas prices, is beyond me. You'll just about break even, cost-wise. I'll be flying in from North Carolina, by the way. And it will cost me about $15 more than if I were to drive. Easy choice.
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    Manowar and Rhapsody US Tour

    What kind of venue is Ziggy's, FatesFan? Size, atmosphere, etc.? thanks!
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    Manowar and Rhapsody US Tour

    going from winston-salem to ft. lauderdale in one night.... wow. the bands will be absolutely beat by the end of that tour, if that schedule holds true.
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    The Official "I GOT MY TICKETS! WOO!" Thread

    I now have my three tix. My dumbass friend who was SUPPOSED to get them this morning forgot...... good thing I saw this thread, and how fast the tix were going!! yikes...
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    Pyn Siren (did you like skid row?) brings the rock!

    I can't find soundclips posted anywhere. Any help?... (the NEH Records links don't work)
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    Bands like Pink Cream 69

    Silent Song --- Look for the CD called "Exceptional," by the band Wicked Sensation. I don't have the review up yet, but should within a couple of weeks. Anyway, time and time again when reviewing it I thought, "PC69! PC69!"
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    ManoWar/Rhapsody Tour the U.S.

    So either Rhapsody or Manowar was the "big" band that fell through, that Angra replaced?...
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    Rank the PPVI Bands in the Order You Most Want to See Them Play

    From "most want to see" downward: Conception PC 69 --- (those two are by far at the top of the heap) Stratovarius Manticora Symphorce Orphaned Land Circus Maximus Angra Stride Therion
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    CONCEPTION mp3 samples (re-surfaced)!

    I'd suggest checking Ebay. They quite often have CDs for sale on there (which would otherwise only be available at import prices).
  12. A

    CONCEPTION mp3 samples (re-surfaced)!

    Here's a link to some Conception reviews, if anyone's interested. They're a bit old (6-7 years), and haven't been updated in awhile, but should give you a better idea of the band. Conception CD reviews
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    Final Bands Confirmed:

    WHOA. Conception. just... whoa.
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    BWBK 6 Pack Weekend 3 Update - Death Angel and Raven added

    Great post, steelreign. I'll see you in Cleveland.
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    Win some...lose some... (please read)

    Please DON'T be Angra. Ugh.