Recent content by andromorphis

  1. andromorphis

    Thousand Years of Opression

    My words!!! very impressive story....
  2. andromorphis

    What is the best Amon Amarth song ever?

    i thought threads aksing your favourite aa song will be closed immediately !?("read this first") if thats not the case i want o know what the thing with the lyrics from "risen from the sea" is .... :-D
  3. andromorphis

    Wintersun Release Date Delayed!!!

    my english is very bad indeed, but i think i understand the text in the news on .... i´m sorry....but cause wintersun will be part of the show i thought i have to open the thread .... and by the way : wintersun make divine music ...
  4. andromorphis

    Wintersun Release Date Delayed!!!

    Shock!The Release date for wintersun´s "time" is delayed to august 2007!!!:heh: cant believe it... I was looking forward to see the new shit on tour.....what a shock...... .... its my first i hope i didnt do anything wrong!?
  5. andromorphis

    Vote for the set list for our upcoming tour!

    Are there any informations if they play exactly what we voted?
  6. andromorphis

    Favourite "With Oden On Our Side" track

    Under The Northern Star Valhall Awaits Me
  7. andromorphis


    Versus The World !!! Much better superior to the fate of Norns...