Recent content by Androo

  1. A

    Lamb of God

    I like lamb a god a bunch. Palaces, Ashes and Sacrament are all great albums but i don't think i could pick a favorite out of the 3. But as much as those 3 albums rock they all have a few songs that don't do anything for me.
  2. A

    Does anyone have the correct lyrics to sixpounder?

    Hey thanks for the input everyone. You're absoutely right warheart im going to just figure them out the best i can. The reason i was wondering is because my band is going to cove it. But if no one actaully knows he he's saying then no one can say if im wrong or not for sure. Mwahahaha
  3. A

    Does anyone have the correct lyrics to sixpounder?

    I've been looking all over online, and they are all full of mistakes. If anyone knows where i can find 100 percent accurate lyrics or if somehow someone managed to figure out everything alexi is saying and cares to share it with everyone, that would be sweet.
  4. A

    What song would you want COB to cover?

    5 minutes alone
  5. A

    Lamb of God

    I listen to both these bands a a lot a lot....and lamb of god and children of bodom sound nothing alike......both awesome, but come on me one lamb of god song that sounds bodomey in anyway or vise versa....
  6. A

    I've never heard of playing half a song...

    I can see both sides of the argument really. I understand wanting to hear your favorite solos and whatnot but at the sametime if it doesn't happen there's not too much we can do about it. and i don't think hcdr was whinning at all, he just posted his honest opinion and everyone else whined...
  7. A

    Whats the word on...

    A New guitarist...Have they found one? Have they started looking yet? Anyone got any info on it? ps. This band effing rocks!!!