Recent content by andy81

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    Old school death metal

    Ah sorry, I`m not a forum freak.... Yes, Slowly We Rot was a good one as well.
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    Old school death metal

    Hey guys, I`m searching for good old school death bands in the vein of early Autopsy and Asphyx. You know, not too fast, not too technical...can be actual bands or old bands. Let me know. Kills, Andy:kickass:
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    well, he also did this great one: :heh: :heh:
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    yes, the Asmodeus cover is great. It's made by Juanjo Costellano. I prefer his style, Necrolord is using too much colour for my taste.
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    yes, that`s a great one. And take this (from Wes Benscoter) !! :kickass:
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    common guys, I guess everyone knows some great cover artworks... Or do you have only selfburned cds at home . . . here is one more...
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    Hey killers, I`m searching for pretty great cover faves are for example the last commit suicide ( and of course the classical Travis Smith (Death...) and Dan Seagrave (Suffocation...) stuff. What are your faves...
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    Zines about technical (death-) metal !

    what`s up fuckers ? :rock:
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    Zines about technical (death-) metal !

    Do you know any? I`m searching for both webzines and printed zines !