Recent content by angelicupstart

  1. A

    Why do some of you want bush back?

    Although I grew up listenign to Anthrax and seeing them live with Joey I still prefer Bush - he's a far superior singer and I think he bought a little something to them when he joined which totally refreshed them and helped make one of the best albums of their career. I do hope John comes back...
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    Anthrax touring in Oz??? Anthrax bootlegs???

    sorry wrong link
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    Anthrax touring in Oz??? Anthrax bootlegs???

    Nice Lal Hardy quote - the man responsible for my first tattoo. I have a good selection of bootlegs for trade - got a feww Thrax in there.
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    O/T: The Clinton Years

    I read this and realised how different opnions on the war are - In the UK probably half the population is marching against war and holding demonstrations ever week. Whereas most Americans are fully behind there President and American Army Personel. Have the Brits turned into a bunch of bleeding...
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    Can I just say...................

    Haha - we'll arrange proper meeting points/times etc. I reckon they will play Wolves again as they had such a good turn out.
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    Can I just say...................

    Had to do it mate - its my fav thrax song and i also did the same in Wolves. Next time they play we'll all have to have a beer together. And then beat up the pesky kids.
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    Can I just say...................

    Yep i was bewteen Scott and Bush singing my heart out to Black Lodge - i've got long red hair and had a haunted shirt on. I really enjoy going down the front as over the last 15 years i've had a good time and people were always willing to help each other out if they fall over etc. Unfortunetly...
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    Can I just say...................

    I like going down the front BUT i hate the fact that lately there seems to be a lot of arseholes at gigs. You may have saw me there i sat on my partners shoulders for black lodge!!
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    Can I just say...................

    Should have stayed near the back if the girl felt that way. best place for a girl to stand is the back of the pit so you can go in out when you want.
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    London show

    They ain't doing download - i did a thread about this last week. Clear Channel aren't booking them for download as they aren't relevant to today's music scene.
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    Can I just say...................

    I have a rant about the Astoria also - why do silly little boys think it's 'hard' to pick on females in the pit. Don't get me wrong i can handle myself -otherwise I wouldn't be in there- but some fucktard thought it would be a good idea to follow me round the pit shoving me over and laughing...
  12. A

    london set list/report

    They played Madhouse in Wolverhampton.
  13. A

    Anthrax returning to the Uk...?

    They did say by the end of 2003 we would be sick of seeing them.
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    London show

    Saw them last night aswell - they were great but persoanlly i prefered them in Wolves. The crowd was better.
  15. A

    This album must be reaching alot of people

    Maybe people have only just got intetrnet access I have been a fan for about 15 years butoinly realised la few weeks they had a message board. Call me dumb cunt.