Recent content by angelnza

  1. angelnza

    Fan site will report from the European tour

    Salut Nathalie ! I'm coming out from the Woods at last. And i shall all meet u very gladly in Lyon, my birthplace after all... And also all of u Orphaned brother and sisters ! I' m also looking into having u and thé guys eat at home on thé road. There 's some place left also for fans who...
  2. angelnza

    sunday's show, in pictures

    Hi Ewan, I like your pics too... They do the band a real favor, particulary the lonely microphone with the keffiah... I think KoB will understand. So the Barbi was crowded ? I went there once ; the question is : could it not be ? A concert from OL IN Israel IN Barbi is something to live at...
  3. angelnza

    SPECIAL Distorted WEDDING show 6.11.08

    Mazal Tov my friend ! I wish to see u again this year hopefully... You're moving in too ? Coz on your pic there's soée work to be done in the background ;-) Take care Lionel
  4. angelnza

    <SPAN>Cidre& Dragon fest, France</SPAN>

    OK Folks, there we are : Please, name yourselves, don't expect me to to everything. The band got a large support from a crowd of belly dancers, here they are on rehearsals : Please don't touch ! You know Maria ? She's just insane... Have a look : Beautiful but, what's...
  5. angelnza

    <SPAN>Cidre& Dragon fest, France</SPAN>

    Hello dear orphaned brothers & sisters ! For all of you who couldn't attend the french gig, first I apologize and assure you of my sympathy, for it was a hell of a show ! And a most unusual one too, let's see : First it was in France (not like it's going to become a habit or so, but we'll...
  6. angelnza

    <SPAN>Cidre& Dragon fest, France</SPAN>

    Bonjour, Je serai présent malheureusement seulement du Samedi matin au Dimanche matin. Je pourrais assumer le transport du retour Samedi soir. Mais n'est-il pas préférable de les faire se reposer après le concert ? Bon, je vous invite à m'appeler sur mon portable au +41793752073 Même...
  7. angelnza

    <SPAN>Cidre& Dragon fest, France</SPAN>

    Hi There, Shouldn(t we reply in French ;-) Well, thanx to my company, from which I recently parted, I now know that I will be coming to the festival ! And I mad myself a fine suit or armours too... So please, let us all Join together at the feztival and turn it into an orphaned disciples...
  8. angelnza

    Life in Paris

    Salut Nath, merci pour ces superbes photos, surtout de toi mais j'aime bien aussi le fronton de ce vieux bâtiment auréolé de nuages... Et alors félicitations pour ta casquette, mais naturellement, tout te va bien... Bizes à tous deux ! And now for an english version : Nice pics, thanx for...
  9. angelnza

    OL will play at the Summerbreeze 2008!!!

    Hi Geri, Kenneth, Nath & Yannick ! And all of u my orphaned bro & sisters... So if I read well, you're all coming to the festival. Is there some orphaned disciples happening or what ? Should we come too ? Will I live to see Saltatio Mortis AND OL in the same week ? And back in France...
  10. angelnza

    Foreign Audience during the 21/02 gig

    Hello my dear orphaned fellows, It's been a long time since I last posted or typed anything, so I hope this will make it up : In fact, we are just coming back from the holy land. In fact, there was a gig in Tel-Aviv this last 21 february (but u should know, u all give glances at the...
  11. angelnza

    New around here =]

    Hello fellow ;-) Welcome in, you're in the right place until the orphaned official fan site is back on its tracks, eheh, well... As far as I know, the first lines are in latin. Regarding the significance, I think it's plain bible quotation. But maybe I'm wrong and KoB would dare let us...
  12. angelnza

    Happy birthday Kobi

    wish you the best, as usual, and wish to see you real soon ! LOTS of love from the graf familly of Excenevex ! :rock:
  13. angelnza

    We ve been to Israel- again> pictures

    Hi Nat ! Your Pics just rock ! They're absolutely totally etcetera... :notworthy It's great to see you both looking great and relaxed. I'll be posting some pics too v. soon. Bizes, à plus PS : Hey, Coucou Yannick ! :rock:
  14. angelnza

    Greetings from France

    Salut Nathalie, Et pis salut Yannick aussi ! So we are still struck in our beautiful spot, not as lucky as Ollio-San... But Hey, we're all ready and awaiting for your visit on your way back home ! Do you intend to attend some gigs this summmer ? PS : taken this morning, before casting...
  15. angelnza

    I'm back- with tons of material!

    Nathalie, Elyia, thank you so much for these beautiful pics. Thank you for reminding us to travel or move to israël some day, the sooner the better. BTW, Sameah Chanaah all my orphaned friends ! Hope to see you, the sooner the better ! Cheers ;-)