Recent content by angryoldsoundguy

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    Steven Slate Drums 4.0

    New samples sound cool. However this player crashes a lot. I wish I could just use the samples as an add-on pack to Superior, which I have had no issues with what so ever.
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    Blackbird Studio B

    Grats for having bands that can spend that kind of cash to work in a great studio. Do you have a website featuring work you have done out of that studio?
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    Volumes - Via

    Does anyone have any info on the production of Volumes - "Via" or can point me towards a thread that does. Googling "volumes" on an audio forum has yielded subpar results so far.
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    I really need to vent this to you guys right now...bands are such ASSholes

    stooping to their level just makes you look like a douchebag. be a professional. don't swear or rant at people and definitely do not tell them that they suck and will never go anywhere. treating people like that will come back to haunt you.
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    Slate VCC Upated to 1.5 New RC-TUBE Console Added

    Will there be a crossgrade from the RC Tube to the full VCC? I am interested in trying this out.
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    Imagine: An Album Specially Mastered for iTunes...

    sounds like marketing. which is funny, marketing more "quality" to those who are inherently buying something that is by definition less "quality".
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    Rate my GEAR!

    ugh. These threads should be moved to
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    How Much to Charge!

    I think you misunderstood what I wrote. Obviously, if you are swimming in red ink, you won't keep the doors open for long, without supplemental income from another revenue stream. However, all value (worth) is perceived by the market. The OP's market is not people on a producing/engineering...
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    How Much to Charge!

    +1 to this. -1 to this. Pricing is always determined by what the market will bear. Value is perceived by your potential clientele, which are bands, not producer/engineers on a forum. Regardless of what people say here, if you can only get people to pay you $25 per song and keep busy...
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    The Browning - Not Alone (I recorded it, mixed by Cameron Mizell of Chango)

    How does everything sound compared to the original tracks you recorded? Do you know if he reamped the guitars or triggered different drum sounds?
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    6505 or Triple Rectifier for Drop Ab Deathcore

    If this is just for a live rig, you might also want to consider just using one amp and running to two cabs, or use two of the same amp if you are running to more cabs. I prefer a symmetrical sound coming from stage.
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    CINDERELLA Bassist: 'Our Last Record Cost $1.2 Million To Make'

    Just listened to some Cinderella on grooveshark. They sound more like the 2nd half of your description than the first.
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    Oslo bombing

    +1. Maybe it just doesn't make the news in the united states, but I definitely haven't heard of any christian suicide bombers. The "i am glad this guy is a christian" comments on the board are interesting. All Christian leaders will denounce this attack as being not in accordance with...
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    Your take on AxeFx?

    +1 to this. I honestly don't know if some people are serious or are trolling. Since when have most people used their ears. Tends to be "I love this band/song/riff" = "This guitar tone is epic". Well, the player is a moot point since we all know that bulb can shred. Not only a great...
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    Your take on AxeFx?

    Thats the thing, I've heard way better sounds out of free VST amp sims and cab IRs. I can understand using the AxeFx for live use if someone prefers that to a Pod, but if someone is really considering buying one for studio use, they might want to consider checking other options first, unless...