Recent content by Animus67

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    Help me out with guitar tone???

    Are you recordind with multi-tracks ? for a great guitar tone you must play the same track at least twice and pan your tracks 100% left and rigth. Don't clone the tracks, it won't work. Record 2 or 4 tight tracks to beef the tone. The distortion and the bass not to high. Put an eq with a low and...
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    Drum machine for METAL project/band?

    If you don't have a drummer an a bass player , instead of spendind for a drum machine , I would go to the site of You will get there some great tracks of drum an bass.
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    Trying to decide on Pickups!

    I have sd Black Winter and i don't play death or black metal. I am more into prog and neoclassical metal. I thing that the Black Winter are great for any kind of metal or hard rock.
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    Is it too late for me?

    You are putting too much pressure on yourself my friend. If you practice and become a better musician, that is the real goal. Be the best you. I made it big even if nobody knows me. I became a great player and i get a bonner every time I hear myself play. That's the most important thing. Do it...
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    Pickup Advice

    I own a lot of guitars with many different pickups. I recently installed a pair of seymour duncan black winter on my jackson. They are amazing , much better and heavier than the jb's. If you are looking for a lot a bite and great clarity , try the Black winter.