Recent content by anroe

  1. anroe

    I've got a problem...

    grovling is something you got to get used to,i dident like it in the start but now im listening to black metal,its still hope
  2. anroe

    Congrats Mike!

    gratulerer mike og anna
  3. anroe

    The Rudy Parris/Mikael Åkerfeldt Connection

    good news;)
  4. anroe

    Opeth live @ Mellotronen Festival March 13-14th?

    i'm not alone in norway,jey
  5. anroe

    Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

    hope leavs black rose immortal dirge for novemger demon of the fall under the weeping moon i think this is my favourit's,but im not shure
  6. anroe

    Favorite song from Morningrise

    black rose immortal is the best song
  7. anroe

    Most Underrated Opeth Songs

    hope leavs,dirge for november and the moor needs more atention
  8. anroe

    Opeth live @ Mellotronen Festival March 13-14th?

    å siden fålk plutselig snakker svensk her,så lurte jeg på åm det finnes noen andre norske her?
  9. anroe

    Opeth live @ Mellotronen Festival March 13-14th?

    i'm not old enough to go,and it is boring and sceary to go to any festival or consert by yourself
  10. anroe

    Opeth has reached my school ^_^

    at my school i'm the only one who is listening to opeth,but it isent so strange becouse of thet im just 13 years old
  11. anroe

    How many songs on the new album will be sans growl?

    those songs with and without groul vokals is the best songs,it neds wariation