Recent content by antti k.

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    A question about the AWFUL drums on The Breathing Shadow

    I play drums myself and I have nothing against synthetic drums but yeah, the sound is pretty awful. It doesn't bother me too much though and I like the album.
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    any King Crimson fans out there? Ulver too...

    I like Ulver's Perdition City a lot. The two "silence" -ep's are also pretty good (especially the latter of those) but there are too many weird cracking noises or whatever on those albums. And I just ordered Lychantropen.
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    Ok, time to reach your top 5!

    Nice title isn't it? You can listen to it here (i think):
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    Erik and ugly guy (and other pix I made in Sweden)

    I got a bass for christmas and it looks exactly like Eric's. Cool...
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    Ok, time to reach your top 5!

    My favorite albums of 2002 are probably: The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk Arcturus - Sham Mirrors
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    Alive again TEASER

    I didn't expect you to upload it so soon...nice. I was very curious to hear this since I had no idea what it would be like. And I have to say I was surprised by how this sounds. The production is (from what I can tell by this sample) indeed very professional-sounding, as are all the musicians...
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    Alive Again Is Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That would be great. Thank you very much for keeping us updated on your projects.
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    Bloodbath site up!

    Ok, thanks. (damn, why didn't I see it) And yes, it downloads very slowly.
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    NG site is back...

    I didn't need to know that right now, I'm trying to eat here!
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    OMG! After listening to my first Nightingale album...

    Yeah, you should get all three. I think Closing Chronicles is the best one.
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    Bloodbath site up!

    What's the address? I couldn't find it.
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    NG site is back...

    Thanks for getting it back online. And it looks better now, nice design.
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    New mp3 of the month at Tom

    Thank you very much T.N.. Keep up the good work!
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    Bloodbath Anyone???

    Have they set a release date yet? I'm looking forward to hearing that one and the new Nightingale...