Recent content by arc_avalo

  1. arc_avalo

    Recommendations, please

    Thank you. I've heard Brand New Sin, though, and they're just OK. I like some of their songs, but most of them are pretty mediocre to me. Thanks for the recommendations!
  2. arc_avalo

    Recommendations, please

    Thank you very much, I love Crowbar!:rock:
  3. arc_avalo

    Recommendations, please

    I just don't like Exhorder. I've heard them before.
  4. arc_avalo

    Recommendations, please

    Demon Hunter is pretty good (although Christian) and Lamb of God is an ok band, while Sepultura isn't really my style. I don't like God Forbid, and I'll have to give a listen to the others.
  5. arc_avalo

    Recommendations, please

    I know many of you hate the style of music I love, but fuck that. I am who I am. I need something that sounds like any of the following bands: Pantera Down Superjoint Ritual (all of Anselmo's bands) Corrosion of Conformity ("In the Arms of God" album mainly) Skinlab Soulfly Coal Chamber...
  6. arc_avalo

    Need Some Recommendations

    Fear Factory is death metal and some of their stuff can be quite melodic. Give a listen to their new release "Transgression" and especially "Archetype".
  7. arc_avalo


    I love Ministry. Give a listen to "Just One Fix" and "No W" if you haven't already. "Animositisomina" and "Houses of the Mole'' are great albums, too.
  8. arc_avalo

    Need thrash metal recommendatons!

    well, even if all you hate my music, i still need recommendations for it. use the bands i listed first off as reference. i've been into metal for about three years, by the way.
  9. arc_avalo

    Need thrash metal recommendatons!

    Then i guess i would like more bands like the ones i mentioned.
  10. arc_avalo

    Need thrash metal recommendatons!

    Hey, I need to hear moe sweet thrash metal like Corrosion of Conformity, Pantera, Down, etc. Somebody throw some thrash this metalhead's way. I need some new thrash!
  11. arc_avalo

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I like Bolt Thrower too, but I can't find any songs to download from them. Could somebody help me out? I namely want "Inside the Wire" and any others will be appreciated, too.
  12. arc_avalo

    In the Arms of God-Corrosion of Conformity

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  13. arc_avalo

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Any Corrosion of Conformity fans around here? In the Arms of God owns me!
  14. arc_avalo

    In the Arms of God-Corrosion of Conformity

    This is the album that turned me onto COC. Stonebreaker starts off the album sounding like Stevie-Ray Vaughn-style blues. Then the drums kick in and an assault of headbanging thrash is unleashed. Stonebreaker alone is one of my favorite songs of all time. I loved the riffs and beat of course...
  15. arc_avalo

    I'm back, bitches!

    Well, I've returned to ultimate metal forum. A lot has been going on in my life lately and I don't really want to discuss it. What happened was a GOOD thing, though, but it is a long story. Anyways, I'm going to be mingling with fellow metalheads here. I also have to make a point that any...