Recent content by Art_of_Reason

  1. Art_of_Reason

    Progged tag-board people's contact info

    THANKS FOR THE GREAT MUSIC CHAN!!! Here is my contact info
  2. Art_of_Reason

    top 10 of 2005

    My choices would be in no order (it would be too hard to do)... Top 10 Dream theater- Octavarium Shadow Gallery - Room V Royal Hunt - Paperblood Demons and wizards - Touched by the crimson King Pagan's mind - Enigmatic calling presto Ballet - Peace among the Ruins Circus maximus -...
  3. Art_of_Reason

    April featured CDs

    My choices would be James LaBrie - Elements Of Persuasion :hotjump: Russell Allen's Atomic Soul :rock: Magellan - Symphony For A Misanthrope it was there right before our eyes we were blind not to realise in the rush to be globalised we signed away our freedom we...
  4. Art_of_Reason

    Looking For New Progmetal Acts?

    Some more Prog/Power Metal Bands Adamanter - the shadow mirror A lower Deep - Parable of the thorn Crystal Phoenix - The lengend of the two stone dragons Conxious - Between Arrival & Departure Divine Regale - Oceanmind Dreamtone - Unforseen refecltions Everwood - Mind game (very Good)...