Recent content by Arthyron

  1. Arthyron


    Umm, what does that have to do with anything, this is a discussion about Postmodernism. Leave it to bitter militants to ever push their agenda and take jabs where they can. *sigh* I find that contradictory to the nature of Christianity too, which is why I'm not a Christian, but a Christ...
  2. Arthyron


    Hmm, that's one view of postmodernism, certainly, but the problem with postmodernism is that any precise, unified, agreed-upon definition of postmodernism would, in fact, be contradictory to the nature of postmodernism. I find it to be a wholly worthless concept that will lead to the downfall...
  3. Arthyron


    thirded :p
  4. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    I'm not opposed to the idea of beings transcendent of our 5 standard methods of perceptions (i.e. beings who exist in more or higher dimensions than we do), or beings of a metaphysical nature, but here I'm only speaking purely of beings who exist within the 4 dimensions that we do in the way...
  5. Arthyron

    Why nihilism?

    It was no straw man, it was precisely what you said, and I addressed how it was a fallacy, it had no bearing on the concept being discussed. A synonymous comparison between two things which are not alike is indeed a fallacy, and that's precisely what you said. I've already explained why the...
  6. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    Thanks, I'll have to have a look. Hmm, I don't know how I feel about this one. It makes a vast amount of assumptions about how things would progress elsewhere (in favor of extra-terrestrial life) based on how things work here (natural selection, replication, etc), but then completely...
  7. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    Which book(s) specifically? I'd be interested in seeing how he rationalizes such a far-out concept such as silicon based lifeforms, given that we have no inkling as to how such a lifeform could sustain itself, or what sort of a definition it's "life" would entail. I'd also be curious to see...
  8. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    Who said anything about God? I was simply explaining the nature of the word "spontaneous," which a lot of people seemed to misunderstand.
  9. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    That's pretty much the same thing as "believing." I also believe it is possible, just not likely under the criteria of what we know (i.e. it does not "make sense" to me). There's no need to mince words or labor over semantics, but if you're going to sit there and do so, so will I. The...
  10. Arthyron

    Why nihilism?

    Umm, actually my argument is not fallacious. It could be wrong or incorrect, but it is not a misuse of logic (fallacy). The tree example you gave was indeed a fallacy, particularly the fallacy of the Appeal to Logic, in which two unlike things are paired synonymously. A tree's relationship to...
  11. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    You know what I mean, without the aid of some sort of rational consciousness beginning or guiding it. It coming out of circumstance, occasion, on its own without any "help." Btw, I can see you're a Howard fan. He's one of my three favorite authors. :D Did you get the new Kull: Exile of...
  12. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    It's possible, but we've never encountered life arising out of any other elements. We've never seen a silicon based lifeform or anything like that, and as far as we know it's not possible (that's why I keep saying "as far as we know"). Is it possible? Who knows, but it's not likely either...
  13. Arthyron

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    No, at least not life resembling human complexity. There are 100's of reasons why earth was and is ideal for the generation of life (whether or not you believe it was spontaneous or "designed"). The fact of the matter is that life as we understand life can only arise based on certain elements...
  14. Arthyron

    Why nihilism?

    Quite simply because of axiom. Logic is, in itself an axiom (if it is not then it's pointless to debate anything, as debate depends on logic, thus all is then relativist nonsense and we might as well be spinning on our heads). When there is axiom, subjectivity becomes secondary, and if you're...
  15. Arthyron

    Why nihilism?

    Well, a lot of it has to do with an inherited viewpoint from the God I believe in. I believe my God to be omniscient, and logical (not that an omnipotent God is subject to logic, but rather logic is because He is), and thus if he assigns value to something, then that value holds true regardless...