Recent content by Artisan

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    Word association thread

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    Word association thread

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    Singing VS Screaming

    It isnt about what sounds good or bad...its what fits the song. Thats why so many bands suck nowadays. They cant tell melody from noise.
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    buy koolaid

    ...I agree but the yellow koolaid sucks...
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    Word association thread

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    Word association thread

    (very funny) psycho
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    Word association thread

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    Best and worst song they ever made

    Best:Red Light in My Eyes 1&2 Worst:All of AYDY
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    Your favorite guitarist

    Not in any order...and I know its alot, but I worship these guys:rock: Zakk Wylde Paul Gilbert Marty Freidman Jason Becker Dimebag(bless his soul) Tony Iommi Jimmy Page Randy Rhoads Yngwie Malmsteen
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    Word association thread

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    No fucking doubt
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    Word association thread

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    Word association thread

    Horny dog
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    The english Thread

    This thread is gay as shit. Good job making an ass out of yourself:lol:
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    The Laugh song

    Exactly! But I dont see a reason for ya to in the first place though...but im ready