Recent content by Arxvantar

  1. Arxvantar

    Vintersorg related merchandise

    Enigmatic Spirit here :P
  2. Arxvantar

    Vintersorg related merchandise

    I insist :P I love this one Or maybe just this I can feel the towering the mountain, as well as the abyss-like sea. In my veins the wildest river, and every growing tree. I think this one summarizes Mr V sesitivity about life, in every sense and at all levels.
  3. Arxvantar

    Vintersorg related merchandise

    hahah Quotation was a great lyric :( I think two quotes its a little too much. About the nickname on the back, I suppose that the person who will make them can ask if would rise at all or considerably the price, because as far as I know it shouldnt rise it too much. I would like a more...
  4. Arxvantar

    Vintersorg related merchandise

    woooooow I havent thought before about Quotation :P thats really cool actually, Id vote for that one...well I dont know, its so fucking hard to decide haha.
  5. Arxvantar

    Vintersorg related merchandise

    I love this phrases too. The second one the most, specially the second part.
  6. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Then I'll fell better by thinking that I feel a bigger rush than you in international concerts :P.....and with a good latino public! Im probably going to see Stratovarius in danmark in febraury (hope that bork or vintersorg do some gigs around those dates :( ) and Im afraid the people will...
  7. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Precisely haha. I've seen lots in the streets, but of course they'are phony copies...official merch would cost the double. Gosh I hate those pirate shirts, theyre huge and ugly. And lefay you have a really good point. Some people may think movies get most of them money from theatres, but...
  8. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Oh thanks a lot!! :P. Precisely I love Vintersorg music because he has a really substancial philosophy behind his music, realtinh science and emotions, two aspects that almost never get together. I always thought that if I ever talk to Andreas I'll talk more about life and universe perceptions...
  9. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Maybe they dont know how big they are haha. Here in Costa Rica I see a LOT of people with borknagar t shirts in the streets. I have a really weird fixation, or just call ir heavy curiosity, about knowing my favourite musicians day jobs. Its weird to imagine them in a really mundane day life...
  10. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Is Mr V a whole time musician or he has a day job?? I suppose that if he sells enough cd's in other ways, selling 10 cd's in a concert (even if he plays almost never :P) doesnt makes much difference...ooor, if he has a day job so there's no pressure for comercializing his music.
  11. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Actually I think you're right. Although its hard for me to think about a *big band* like borknagar having to sell cd's in concerts, like any other band. I suppose here in the americas we idealize a lot these bands but of course they are not rockstars and metal isnt the most commercial genre...
  12. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Haha here its not even for sale and most probably wont be :(...if I want it I've to order it from outside, and the price will be outrageous :( :( :( I really hate that
  13. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    The thing is that the page can't tell the difference between one Fission and the other so it just puts the most famous one. Probably the other is some underground band from any genre, maybe even without any material recorded, but when they input the band name in the event Lastfm thinks is that...
  14. Arxvantar

    Fission to play live?

    Haha a trip to Puerto Rico would be kinda expensive actually :P I remember once when some weird pseudo show producer anounced that he will bring vintersorg to Costa Rica haha :P I didnt even believed it of course.
  15. Arxvantar

    My quest to meet Mr. V...

    I hate you :(...haha I want some pics with him >_>. I hope he or borknagar plays somewhere in scandinavia near february :P.