Recent content by asfeir

  1. asfeir

    Sleepless VS Sleepless

    Anathema's or cradles cover version?
  2. asfeir

    Who is yer role model?

    YEAH!!!!!! MURRAY
  3. asfeir

    Who is yer role model?

    stevie G :P
  4. asfeir

    Who is yer role model?

    what about you
  5. asfeir

    Who is yer role model?

    i'm not a very religious person but i admire Jesus Christ as he is described in the christian's holy book ( bible ?) and the dalai lamas they seem to have no interest in everything that is material etc...
  6. asfeir

    Who is yer role model?

    i'm not sure
  7. asfeir

    whats the funniest film you ever saw?

    asfeir Joined: Jul 2002 Posts: 13
  8. asfeir

    whats the funniest film you ever saw?

    airplane 1
  9. asfeir

    whats the funniest film you ever saw?

    french movies: le diner des cons ma femme s'appelle maurice
  10. asfeir

    The silent enigma is ...

  11. asfeir

    Your favourite Songwriter?

    ooops hehe
  12. asfeir

    Your favourite Songwriter?

  13. asfeir

    Your favourite Songwriter?

    Steve Harris Duncan Paterson Danniel Gavanagh R J DIO Joey Demao ( :P ) Ozzy Pasi Koskinen Chuck Schuldiner Timo Tolki Others
  14. asfeir


    Liverpool FC rules
  15. asfeir

    Favourite Anathema Lyrics Poll Part II

    but deep is my fav in the recent stuff