Recent content by Atp

  1. Atp

    Happy Birthday Roope

    Can't believe I forgot about that... Happy birthday, man. You rock!
  2. Atp

    What are you listening to?

    Black Sabbath - Paranoid
  3. Atp

    Gotta give it to Alexi

    @ everyone who said I was wrong: Sorry, I guess I wasn't really reading... I didn't mean to say it wasn't okay to give props to Alexi, far from that. To stay on topic, 'though... I hope he gets better and gets that shit checked out. There's no way that's healthy...
  4. Atp

    Gotta give it to Alexi

    @ the op: you know, you might've posted that in the gigatour thread... it's stickied and it's the third sticky. It's not that hard to miss and stuff like that doesn't really deserve its own thread, imo.
  5. Atp

    !! Happy Birthday Janne !!

    Happy birthday Janne. Hope you have a good time! :rock:
  6. Atp


    I don't have anything useful to add, except that I love the album, even if I had to listen to a few songs pretty often before I really... got them, I guess. It's not excactly the second HCDR, but it's a million times better than Are you dead yet....
  7. Atp

    The What The Hell Happened To Sinergy Thread

    I couldn't agree more :lol:
  8. Atp

    !! Happy Birthday Alexi !!

    Happy birthday from Germany, man. Hope everything goes well!
  9. Atp

    The What The Hell Happened To Sinergy Thread

    And, if you don't mind me asking, why shouldn't people like Sinergy? Sinergy rocks :rock:
  10. Atp

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    So far, my day has been pretty shitty because I'm feeling emo for no fucking reason... But I'm going to go to a concert by a local band I love in an hour and I guess that's gonna make me feel much better :rock:
  11. Atp

    New Sinergy Album?

    Dude... telling me to let people say what they wanna say and telling me to shut up in the next sentence doesn't excatly make you look like Einstein, either... Besides, I wasn't saying that they had no right to say what they said, I was just saying that... If you don't know shit about something...
  12. Atp

    What are you doing at this moment?

    I'm listening to Downfall and try to be less pissed of than right now... Right now all I want is to punch someone in the face. Hard and often. I don't really like that feeling, but... well I have the tendency to get pissed off about small things all the time...
  13. Atp

    New Sinergy Album?

    I would love to see a new Sinergy album... Would be nice, but I almost believe it's never going to happen... To all the people talking shit about Allu's playing etc.: First of all, none of us has any right to make assumptions on wheter Alexi can still play the old Sinergy stuff or not because...
  14. Atp

    Do your parents like Bodom?

    My dad loves COB almost as much as I do, actually we have pretty much the same taste in music, except that he also likes techno and the occasional hiphop song :Puke: Actually, without him dragging me to the Böhse Onkelz festival I probably would've never gotten into COB so much... I mean, I...
  15. Atp

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    I'm drunk and tired because I slept like three hours last night and then sat in a fucking car for almost six fucking hours... Other than that, I'm fine...