Recent content by auralsun

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    Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs

    i dug this out of my e-mail inbox from june 2008... i eventually ended up putting it in .gp5, and i don't remember how accurate this version is sleep is a curse:
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    Kayo Dot/MotW tunings

    so, while we're at it, what tunings are used for the new motW songs? :O
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    New motW FAQ

    you should consider uploading a copy to a file distro site as well for the technophobes who haven't adopted/don't know anything about bittorrent. i'm sure it'll be done eventually by someone else anyway, but it'd be nice to have multiple options available simultaneous to the album's release.
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    The digital version of the Baliset album has gone live at

    oh, woops! i must have been mixed up somehow since i've been listening to the do make say think album "You, You're a History in Rust" recently. regardless, i hope you're somehow able to enjoy something in that interview beyond pointing out mix-ups in preposition usage. enjoy!
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    The digital version of the Baliset album has gone live at

    hey guys, i interviewed greg for progarchives. he talks about his experience with maudlin of the well and kayo dot and about his new album: a time in rust. he also discusses the new motW album, although i think about half of this forum has insider infoz anyway, so i'm not sure how much of this...
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    newish article about kayo dot

    this comes off as a strangely written pitchfork article in which toby is referred to as a socrates-like character. what.
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    playing motw songs

    thanks aura, here's the finished version of the tab. i'm pretty sure i messed up the drums, but it would take too long to fix everything. if anyone has interest in doing a more accurate drum tab, feel free to edit this. uploaded both the .gp5 and...
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    playing motw songs

    hey guys, did anyone download/keep that sleep is a curse tab (gp5) i posted on page 3? my hard drive crapped out on me recently and all i have is a really old working version of the .txt tab. i want to go ahead and finish out the instrumental half of the song and such but don't want to start...
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    Talk Talk - "Laughing Stock"

    check out mark hollis' solo record too if you haven't, by the way!
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    playing motw songs

    nice job! i'd love to see the finished version of this. the interludes are awesome :O
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    Some Poker-playing Canuck...

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    playing motw songs

    i uploaded a plain text version of the tab (added in an edit to my last post). it was completed a lonnnnng time ago, and i did some minor changes when transcribing the plain text version into guitar pro. but it should still definitely be useful for anyone who wants to learn the song...
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    playing motw songs

    first half of sleep is a curse (for two guitars) for gp5. the second half uses the same melodic content as the first, so the guitar parts i transcribed for the first half can still be used there. there's just added instrumentation and i was too lazy to bother with it since i'm not sure if anyone...
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    Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs

    i've done most of Sleep is a Curse already, but I've been really busy with work and such and so haven't been able to finish it up. It should be done within the next week or so. I've also already tabbed out most of Geography, though I have no idea what the correct tuning is supposed to be. I...
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    Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs This is the only tab of any motW/Kayo Dot song that I know of that has been tabbed out. The transcriptionist is Greg Massi (Kayo Dot/motW guitarist), who also posts here under the name baliset, I think. At any rate, I did a tab for Geography a while...