Recent content by AxeGrinder

  1. A

    Yngwie Malmsteen vs. Symphony X

    To answer this, one only needs to get on their favorite file sharing software and find a copy of Yngwee and Ronny James Dio doing "Dream On". Then force yourself to listen to the whole thing... it's just simply awful! It shows Yngwees total lack of anything even resembling creativity. My vote...
  2. A

    Romeo Plays ESP...

    or... you could have just purchased an Ibanez and started playing it right off... without having to adjust anything other than... the operator. can you guess what I play? I had an ESP a long time ago and it formed a crack in the fingerboard... so I gave it away and got an RG550. Ten years...
  3. A

    Gates of Dawn - Metal from Sweden

    songs sound great! I had always wondered what happened to the lead singer from "The Crash Test Dummies" LOL