Recent content by axhed

  1. axhed

    I am looking for bands similar to Amon Amarth.

    troof... either way i won't be in cleveland that day anyway
  2. axhed

    I am looking for bands similar to Amon Amarth.

    AAAAAAAHHHHHH wtf!!! eluveitie is opening up for aa on the american tour... and they're booked to play cleveland on 4/20, but aa is not playing that night ?!?!?!
  3. axhed

    Abondoned Tab

    i say that abandoned tab is yours if you still want it
  4. axhed

    new album poser ????

    there was a weird rumor which i just invented going around that fabio was going to be the dude weilding mjollnir on the next album art
  5. axhed

    I am looking for bands similar to Amon Amarth.

    someone's asking for a meatspin...... ensiferum is a nice complement to aa's epic feel. some of the choruses are a lot of fun to belt out on the highway... with your kid in the back seat :rock: turisas has an album which describes a long journey, each song is a different stop along the...
  6. axhed

    Symphonic cover of embrace of the endless ocean

    nice! can i ask what kind of hardware/software you used? nvm found it :)
  7. axhed

    Post your guitar covers

    nice stuff guys, you make me wanna grab my axes from storage. what tuning is all that stuff in?
  8. axhed

    Does anyone know where I can find Mjolnir Necklace? (Like Ted's)

    oh man i dunno what's worse... the tshirt with a unicorn assraping a knight or the chest pic with three sprouts of hair.
  9. axhed

    Amon Amarth and Rock Band (video game)

    beheading of a king varyags
  10. axhed

    Tatoo Idea??

    might not want to be too drunk for that one or you'll wake up with it around your anus :D
  11. axhed

    Opening bands

  12. axhed

    World of Warcraft (WoW)

    the thing that ticks me off is that after 3 years and $700 i can't start it up and show someone how my netherdrake shakes the walls unless i fork over another $15. i won't be playing any more mmo's unless they have a lifetime subscription or offline option. so here's hoping swtor has a...
  13. axhed

    Heathen Pride, Heathen Honour, Heathen victory!

    sllllllaaaaaayyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr :OMG:
  14. axhed

    And Obama wins!!!

    well he didn't waste any time firing off rockets into pakistan at the tallyban!
  15. axhed

    18 hour lecture on history of vikings

    quick question: there's that one guy who was really important early on... how the hell do you spell his name? i want to use it in wow heh ehh heh roethkralke? rolf cralke? rathcralke? tried googling to no avail. found it in the coursebook: hrolf kraki