Recent content by aysakh

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    Does Jeff Loomis come here?

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    Random Photo Thread

    I stand quite corrected.:blush:
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    Random Photo Thread

    That thing in the back ground... shiver.
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    RIP Peter Steele

    Well, you have to remember that he was 6'7", so an average dick proportionate to his body was still fuckin huge.
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    Jeff Loomis guitar clinic pics from HUNGARY :D

    Those are some great pics. I gotta say though, I prefer the red version of his signature. It just seems more Loomis-ey. and oh yeah, check this shit.
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    Post funny shit
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    Happy Birthday Warrel!

    Snappy turfday! Now go buy yourself a care bear cake.
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    What happened to the Ride the Lightning cover?

    I don't know, maybe it's just the lighting, but something looks a little off. I would probably eat it anyway though.
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    The pigs are relying on consumerism to make busts, start the revolt now

    If it's not gooey, it's not a brownie. It's just a slab of chocolaty cake mix.
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    The pigs are relying on consumerism to make busts, start the revolt now

    There's something to be said for week old turkey gumbo.
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    Merchant of Menace columns

    Not that you would want to remember it though
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    Merchant of Menace columns

    And my name is easy to remember. Aysakh=Isaac
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    Merchant of Menace columns

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    Merchant of Menace columns

    There ya go man :rock:
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    say something about what the forumer above you is reading

    Right, you'll want to get this one first. It's also the best IMO