Recent content by Azazel #1

  1. Azazel #1

    Visiting Norway

    I've also heard good things about that "Elmstreet" place in Oslo! Hope to go there sometime. We have a similar place here in Copenhagen (DK) called Tex, where all the metalfans/musicians hang out and get drunk :kickass:
  2. Azazel #1

    The real Fenriz

    Heh! The similarity is almost too convincing! :grin:
  3. Azazel #1

    Norwegian Black Metal

    Ok! Jægerspris (Northern sealand) Denmark :flame:
  4. Azazel #1

    Norwegian Black Metal

    That's a very cool documentary, I'd really wish there was somewhere you could download it instead of just streaming it. Den Norske scene er for sej! /Azazel, Granhammer <- Danish blackmetal!
  5. Azazel #1

    Let's hear you GROWL!

    You can hear my vocals (growl and blackmetal) here: or some wierd falsetto stuff here: The last song is a King Diamond cover, so I had to do some kind of reference to Kings vocals, although my vocals...
  6. Azazel #1

    Who is the guitar god of death metal?

    I'd also have to say Trey or the Amott brothers. Regards Azazel