Recent content by Bassfuss

  1. Bassfuss

    Pics and video from a recent show

    ...ah, okay. Cool pics! I have seen Threshold so far in Hamburg, Osnabrück and in London. But: sometimes four bands Play, and I want so see Threshold. I know: financial reasons I guess. And it´s okay. :)
  2. Bassfuss

    Pics and video from a recent show

    ...zuviel der Ehre. Ist nur die offizielle Seite der Location. Ich konnte leider nicht zum Konzert...:( Bist Du ein Deutscher auf Long Island?
  3. Bassfuss

    Pics and video from a recent show
  4. Bassfuss

    Happy birthday, Johanne James!

    Happy birthday!:worship:
  5. Bassfuss

    Ideas for a possible special edition of the next Threshold album

    Hi, what I always like is what Arjen Lucassen does: a DVD with "behind the scenes"-material, videoclips, interviews. The Star One live DVD had some clips of the rehearsals. The Watershed-CD with DVD also had some material from the rehearsals, but after recording the album I guess. And great...
  6. Bassfuss

    Farrah West Project

    Hi, yes, Mark is fantastic. He is playing melodies on the drums, like Neil Peart does, not that technically as Neil, but melodies on the toms, cymbals and snares. "Disconnected" is cool, but I like the X album even more. Frank
  7. Bassfuss

    Dio has died.

    Hi, one of the best singers the world has ever seen. I love his voice and I have known his music since his first solo album and then I have discovered what he had done before. Such great albums like RICHIE BLACKMORE´s RAINBOW for example. And the last Heaven & Hell album is a good one...
  8. Bassfuss

    Favourite Top 10 albums of 2009

    Hi, I don´t have a top ten, because I often buy albums from earlier years then the actual year. In top of that I had´nt that much money this year, say I´m glad that my company survived without sacking anybody. This years´ albums or DVD´s : - Killswitch Engage : Killswitch Engage -...
  9. Bassfuss

    Paradox Box Set Reviews

    Hi, thank you, I didn´t know that. See you, Frank
  10. Bassfuss

    Paradox Box Set Reviews

    Hi, I have just bought it at my local record shop who had to order it. It´s not that cheap but it is something special. I did´nt have much time to listen to the songs. The box is something very good for me bcause it´s hard to get the older albums. So THE RAVAGES OF TIME and PARADOX are...
  11. Bassfuss

    What are you listening to?

    SPLIFF : THE SPLIFF RADIO SHOW One of the best albums of all times. :worship:
  12. Bassfuss

    What are you listening to?

    Panzerballett : Pink Panther CD : Starke Stücke Frank
  13. Bassfuss

    What are you listening to?

    Queensryche : American Soldier After years a very good album ! To be honest : my English is not that good that I would understand every single word but I think they are telling stories of soldiers and wonder if anything was right what soldiers are doing. A current theme as at the moment...
  14. Bassfuss

    Threshold Catwalk!

    Hi, it was the Subsurface-tour. I know Threshold because a friend of mine gave me the Critical Energy-DVD, which I bought immediately then :rock: :) See you, Frank
  15. Bassfuss

    What are you listening to?

    Panzerballett : Fire On The Hire Listen to the band at : Frank