Recent content by BassGoddess

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    IMAGIKA...SF Bay Area Thrash....

    Not a "new" band to the board! Check out the website.. download some MP3s and come check us out live ...we will soon be posting info on May shows in the SF Bay Area. METAL!!!!!!
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    ARTISAN former mebers of Destiny's End, Prototype & Rapture

    Metal Greetings from one bassist to another....say "hey" to my metal sister, Ana, for me...and hope to play some gigs w/ you sometime in the near future! Elena - Imagika
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    US Bands You Should Hear

    Hey there...the lyrics of Imagika are not satanic - promise. None of us is into that...My singer writes about a huge array of topics, and yes...some are about the darker "issues" of life...war, personal struggles, etc. Oftentimes, he writes lyrics based off of his favourite movies or a book he...
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    US Bands You Should Hear

    Wow...I don't know anything about Porcupine Tree....
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    Other music you guys like?

    classic rock, middle eastern/belly dance, Celtic, Renaissance era music, classical, blues, trippy shit I can't describe (i.e. OZRIC TENTACLES), classical Indian music, anything played w/ a Hurdy Gurdy...flamenco, music like Dead Can Dance/Lisa Gerrard, classic Nordic folk music...I can go on and...
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    Nevermore is absolutely phenomenal. I love all the albums...and you can see the definite progression in their writing from album to is amazing. Every song on DHIADW is killer, but my favorite has to be "Insignificant" because the lyrics are so brilliant.
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    Women and heavy metal.

    Thanks, Hawk... and I will check out Arch Enemy. I have heard a lot of great things about them. METAL!!!
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    Classical Music Influences?

    Hell yes! There are so many killer metal bands & musicians who are influenced by classical music. The first one I ever knew of was Randy Rhoads..when I was 9 years old and just started listening to metal. And, obviously artists like Yngwie is HEAVILY influenced by Bach, Paganini, etc...My...
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    US Bands You Should Hear

    YOU RULE!!!! Anyone who is a fan of OZRIC TENTACLES rules!!! They are one of my favorite bands of all time and have had a chance to see them live a few times, too. INCREDIBLE!!!
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    Women and heavy metal.

    Hey..cheers to you, WikkidGurl!!!! My name is Elena, and I play bass for IMAGIKA. We play "old school" SF Bay Area thrash metal. I got into metal when I was 9 years old, first listening to OZZY when Diary of a Madman was just released. I started playing guitar at age 11, and switched to bass...
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    US Bands You Should Hear

    I play bass for Imagika....check our site is "old school" SF Bay Area thrash. Let me know what you think.