Recent content by BDgolfer

  1. B

    PP USA X: Latest news on all the bands

    I would love to have updates on each of the bands every 2-3 months. I have not been to the concert for since PPVI. But im still on here every day. My friend and I are looking to go for the 10th year. We have 3 years under our belt.
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    Time to Book Flight?

    I went last year to ProgPower from LA. The cheapest I found was a Southwest flight w/ a lay over in Denver. The layover was only 1/2 hour. It departed from John Wayne airport. It went for about $250 roundtrip. I would also reccomend not to use hotwire or those sites. They usually are not...
  3. B

    Places to visit in ATL - reviews

    We went there twice....we were staying at the embassy suites....we went there monday and sunday....freakin awesome food there. Especially the sampler plate.....those fried cheese bread things w/ the cheese dip.....<drools>
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    Can you recommend any other cd's from the other bands? Doing some shopping right now
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    heck yeah....definitly pick up the newest one, Twice Second, it's the only one i've have from them, but definitly worth it
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    Thanks for the input...trying to get at least one cd from each band so that i have some kind of clue of what they sound like before the show
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    So what CD should I buy for a first Roots of Eternity their best??
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    The next two are....

    Ive now heard both of the samples and they both ROCK!!!
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    The next two are....

    Never heard of these bands....but downloading off the audio right now...
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    About the announcement this week:

    The suspense is killin me!!!
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    Pre-Party and Nightwish Show information

    Definitly heading to the often do you get a chance to take photos w/ band members that have never been out here and might not come back again??? I live in L.A. and nightwish comes out here frequently so its no biggie
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    Press Release

    The Pre-party is done the night before the festival this case, Thursday the 15th....Its a pre-party where about three unkown bands play.... and also the chance to see some of the band members playing that weekend....a really sweet does cost extra though :rock: