Recent content by Beastly_Brew

  1. Beastly_Brew

    Come say hi, I'm a rabbit!

    What makes you say that?
  2. Beastly_Brew

    the "classics" are sometimes crap

    While I understand where you're coming from, comparing Eragon to Lord of the Rings is a bit out there imo. I feel like the unabridged Lord of the Rings, may just come across as difficult to read/comprehend for some people which leads to people just going with it being a classic as opposed to...
  3. Beastly_Brew

    Black Metal.

    Love me some Black Metal. Nokturnal Mortum, Summoning, Xasthur, Nabaath, Taake, Borknagar, Dissection, Leviathan, Horna, Kampfar, Sargeist, Urgehal, Satyricon, Immortal, Vreid, etc.. as well as the more "popular" bands like Mayhem, 1349, Marduk, Emperor, etc.
  4. Beastly_Brew


    This album has been a constant since I bought it, its damn good.
  5. Beastly_Brew

    World Of Warcraft

    I play a bit, I have a 90 warlock on Skywall-US, but I'm transferring to Stormrage soon. I'm starting to get bored with the game though, I don't have time for raiding and the current xpac is a daily filled bore fest. PvP is the only thing holding me in atm.
  6. Beastly_Brew

    Come say hi, I'm a rabbit!

    I have a pancake on my head! So, I like metal obviously. Black Metal is my current favorite. Anime makes me happy. I like cake.. cake is good. So in closing. Hi, how are ya?!
  7. Beastly_Brew

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Hypocrisy - End of Disclosure Vreid - Welcome Farewell Iron Fire - Voyage of the Damned Sargeist - Let The Devil In Horna - Perima Vihassa Ja Verikostossa Azarath - Diabolic Impious Evil