Recent content by Become Death

  1. Become Death

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Non metal music I dig is Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Joy Division, Robert Johnson, Wagner, Philip Glass, a lot of punk, especially The Misfits (my favorite band and the only band I have a tattoo of). And many others I can't think of right now
  2. Become Death

    Does this count as metal?

    From the description it sounds like I would dig it. Right now though, everyone else in the house is asleep, so I'll have to wait and check it out later. (I don't own any headphones, not hearing what's going on around me makes me feel paranoid). So, I'll get back to you with an opinion, but, from...
  3. Become Death

    Hello From New England

    Well, I just wrote this on my acct page, so I guess it works as an introduction: Hello, I am a bisexual metalhead living in Massachusetts. I dig Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Doom etc. Like almost any kind of metal but very picky about my power Metal. I like a lot of different music. I...