Recent content by BenJAMin

  1. B

    Hit Parader's Top 100 vocalist

    He's the singer of Accept and the solo work of U.D.O. The man is awesome and I would love to see him at a ProgPower. A couple years ago when I last went to one I found when I talked to people about being there you either got a "who?" a "awesome!" or some inane BS about his music not being...
  2. B

    Bruce Dickinson solo

    I'd think the biggest problem with getting Bruce is there is no band. The last time he played any solo shows was in Europe in 2002 and that was just with some of the old Skunkworks guys and some fill in players. It's not like he has a band setup to just play at any given moment.
  3. B

    Help finding an mp3..

    I routinely get over 100 kbps on FrostWire. Also, WinMX is not totally dead.
  4. B

    Help finding an mp3..

    WOrks good for me. It's based on LimeWire and uses the same Gnutella network as LimeWire.
  5. B

    Help finding an mp3..

    A good Limewire alternative with no spyware and without any search filters to protect copyrights is FrostWire
  6. B

    The Official Sat. Headliner Suggest Thread

    UDO DIRKSCHNEIDER!!!! Maybe UDO as a name isn't that known, but all these power metal bands are inspired by Accept and he'd definitely play some Accept songs. Barring that, Helloween, HammerFall, Bruce Dickinson would be awesome but I can't see that ever happening. There's no "Bruce...
  7. B

    Any chance of some videos from...

    Aren't you people a bit over the top? You don't know the circumstances of how he obtained this video. If he just traded for it or just was given it nobody was really hurt. I'd argue that even if he did indeed buy it that nobody was directly hurt. While I do agree that the wishes of the people in...
  8. B


    here's what I'd love to see, but you know it won't happen. It's a toss up if I come, I went to III and V. It takes certain bands for me to go. But anyway, here's some I'd love to see Edguy Accept or U.D.O. Helloween Warlord w/ Joacim Cans Primal Fear Throw in some prog bands I don't...
  9. B

    A really strange suggestion for a ProgPower headliner...

    I would have been all about Accept playing ProgPower! I still am very curious as to whether they were even considered as a possibility for PP.
  10. B

    DVD help needed

    I am not attending this year but would like a copy of the DVD. Anybody willing to buy me a copy and then send it to me? Send me an e-mail at if you are willing to help. Thanks.
  11. B

    Who is Your Dream Headliner

  12. B

    ProgPower USA V- Behind the Scenes DVD: Sneak Peek #2

    What does that accomplish? I've seen complaints in the past about people selling the CD samplers on ebay. I could have a perfect burned copy made of this disc within an hour of acquring it. I personally wouldn't do it but don't think others won't and sell the copies on ebay.
  13. B

    How it happened this year:

    This is my final post on the subject, and indeed on this board until next year. Before I go I want you to consider this. I don't know what song sample you heard that so shocked and appalled you with it's lack of lyrical sophistication. However, this is the same festival that just a few short...
  14. B

    Thank you Accept fans !!

    Indeed, and on that note I think I shall retire from this board for another year. I'll be back around late january to see what's up with the ProgPower in 2006. Maybe I'll attend that one, maybe I won't. It all depends on who he gets.
  15. B

    How it happened this year:

    Mainly because this reunion is likely to be a very short lived thing with probably no US appearances. It's also the first time they've toured with 2 guitars with Udo in 18 years. He seems into his exclusives and this one would be fairly exclusive.