Recent content by Billy Nasty

  1. Billy Nasty

    Where's the Anathema board?

  2. Billy Nasty

    Peace Thread

    its only temporary...peace
  3. Billy Nasty


    I hereby officially announce i am off to bed again
  4. Billy Nasty

    What makes you feel deranged...?

    we've tried koalanus, but we'll give it more e-time
  5. Billy Nasty


    oh shit ah he's lost it cedar, whats up frod?
  6. Billy Nasty

    Competition Time

    Your imagination will be required in order to enter this contest. All you have to do is - Guess who 'rasher' was, the best name wins! NOT the real fuckin name!!!! Tie breaker: In less than 500 words say what you really liked about 'rasher'. I shall start you off: What i really...
  7. Billy Nasty

    fight e-fascism

    koalanus? you're in, you see even the koalas are keeping a close eye on frodnat's offensive statements
  8. Billy Nasty

    What makes you feel deranged...?

    just let me ram a cork up your miff and all will be ok :lol:
  9. Billy Nasty

    What makes you feel deranged...?

    eh my e-pills are: red bulls, coca colas, snowballs, 100's (not great mind), blue speckled mitzubishis, durex..., ah im alright, doing alright like :kickass: hehe
  10. Billy Nasty

    What makes you feel deranged...?

    can i kiss your mammy's, nice! :OMG:
  11. Billy Nasty

    A Natural Disaster Travis?

    ah yeah it does have a desolate feel to it deffo, its just my opinion, its for a great band, but i feel they needed something quite different to the obvious, cos i know if i saw this firsthand i'd think 'prog rock/metal', and why would that be? its the style, it shouldnt be like that, but...
  12. Billy Nasty

    Who should be our new moderator ?

    spot on dora, spot on young wan, ya ould fuckin mong ya!! :loco:
  13. Billy Nasty


    i am currenlty unable to sign myself in to msn, thanks
  14. Billy Nasty


    :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  15. Billy Nasty

    a moment of clarity

    yeah yeah I know, and that's a good advice for the new people here but there's a difference in not taking everything seriously and not taking anything seriously. in both cases it doesn't give anybody the right to throw all kinds of shit (eh..) at poops. especially if it's more or less aimed at...