Recent content by Black Atom

  1. B

    Who is here then? (picture thread)

    This is me post-gig at halloween: and this is a pretty cool couple of photo's of us rocking out at the same gig, to give you a feel of the banter ;) :
  2. B

    Guitar Pro

    Why not just buy it? Would you walk into a shop and take one off the shelf and stuff it in your jacket? Probably not, but its ok to steal it from the internet? It's not like it's expensive and the guys that make the program are hardly microsoft, downloading GP5 probably hurts those guys a lot...
  3. B

    Who would you like to see Biomechanical tour with?

    well if you guys ever make it as far as Scotland then we'd KILL to support. We've played a few big support gigs in the past few years (Blaze (twice) Thin Lizzy, Breed77, Viking Skull) but you guys would completely blow all of those gigs out of the water. Ever since I was handed a copy of your...
  4. B

    Virgin Megastore...

    Grrrr....... Ordered BOTE aboot 3 weeks ago and went in today to hassle only to be told that their ordering it from "a stupid wee distributer" and it could take another month !!! :yell: That's a big heap of poo... stinky poo.... :p It's not so bad cos I've already heard it and I know its...
  5. B

    Anyone making the trek up to Aberdeen?

    Are any of you guys planning to follow Area 54 as far as Aberdeen on their tour? They are here on May 6th and it promises to be a hell of a gig. The venue, Lava, is getting a great reputation with gigs from Napalm Death and Blaze in recent(ish) months. My band Black Atom are supporting...
  6. B

    Tenth Dimension - your thoughts ??

    P.S. Neil - you must be soooooooooo chuffed to be pictured in the inlay book. Nice one mate !! I searched through it with a fine tooth comb hoping to see us from when we supprted Blaze - no such luck !! Ach well.... obviously the presence of such a handsome band of individuals would...
  7. B

    Tenth Dimension - your thoughts ??

    I ran as fast as my little leggies would carry me down to Virgin straight from college on Monday and got my hands on the 2CD digi-pack version of Blaze's "Tenth Dimension". I really didn't know what to expect cos I'd heard loads of different quotes about it being "Puppets" heavy, I just hoped...
  8. B

    Who got Maiden Tickets for Brixton then?

    I'm soooooooo immensly chuffed cos we managed to get tickets for both nights - I can't wait. Is anyone else going?? It'll be the third time I've seen them and I just hope they play a cool set list and not the BNW tour set again. Actually... wait... I don't really give a fuck if they...
  9. B

    We're hopefully gonna support Area 54...

    Yeah, its gonna be in March sometime I think, I can't remember exactly and my bloody e-mails down at the moment so I can't check. Ooops.... Cheers for the interest - Hopefully see you at a gig sometime!!
  10. B

    We're hopefully gonna support Area 54...

    Hey Guys... (esp. Neil) Just in case anyones interested - Black Atom are hopefully gonna support Area 54 in Aberdeen on the next tour. We're really looking forward to it. If anyone wants to check us out our web addy is We've also supported Blaze - our biggest ever...