Recent content by Black4Ever

  1. Black4Ever

    Famous Musicians You've Met

    Not many on my list. Don't know how you guys do it!? :notworthy It's been years since I've seen anyone. However, the few I have met I did talk to and get photographs with. All of them were very cool and happy to talk awhile. Paul Stanley Gene Simmons Bruce Kulick Eric Singer Richie...
  2. Black4Ever

    Randy Rhoads or Zakk Wylde...Who do you like more?

    I just don't get all the praise for Randy Rhoads. I'm missing the album that put him above the rest. The Ozzy albums are fantastic hard rock albums, but is there something soo special about them that I just can not hear? Or was it the Quiet Riot album which made him standout? I don't get it...
  3. Black4Ever

    metal in your life?

    I'm with you GRAVEDIGGER. METAL music has touched me like a guardian angel. No shit! It has, believe it or not, kept me strong and out of the trouble so many others have gotten into. Over the years, especially my teenage years and early 20s, HEAVY METAL really shaped my life and made me a...
  4. Black4Ever

    Fav Band Pick 1 Only

    :flame: W.A.S.P.:flame: BLACKIE doesn't live in the past and he sure the fuck isn't caving into this nu-metal shit. His music, as always, is fresh ball crushing METAL. FUCK YEAH!:Smokedev:
  5. Black4Ever

    Power Metal Anthems!!

    primal fear - living for METAL
  6. Black4Ever

    In Your Opinion Who Is The Best Electric Guitarist?

    You beat me to the board rushzil. Paul "I Understand Completely" Gilbert is amongst the few that I deem a MASTER of their art. To the dislike of many here, my tiny list includes Malmsteen & Van Halen ONLY because ALL the others are on the PAGE that THEY WROTE. Satriani, Bettencourt, Townsend...
  7. Black4Ever

    Your TOP 3 cover versions of a song

    Glen Tipton - Paint It Black Scary German Guy - Shout It Out Loud The Toy Dolls - The Devil Went Down To Scunthorpe
  8. Black4Ever

    Judas Priest "Demolition"

    I agree 100%! As I listened to Demolition the first time through, I heard the touch of the Priest of Old. I mean OLD OLD. Pre-Leather. Only a bit HEAVIER, of course. The change ups (or breaks - whatever the hell they are called) hit me like a brick( I really hesitated to enjoy it ), but...
  9. Black4Ever

    Best Iron maiden album

    Live After Death(just because of my memories of that night) (A GREAT NIGHT!) Next best.....I'd burn my own(2 or 3 tracks from each album) You can count on at least 3 tracks to kick ass on every album they will make.
  10. Black4Ever

    Most inspired and exquisit druMMer

    The old guys, huh? Well they sure don't compare to todays drummers, but back in the days I'd say Kieth Moon was the most diverse and exciting drummer. Through the glorydays, my top picks would be: Ian Paice Cozy Powell Frankie Banali Neil Peart Gil Moore Robert Sweet
  11. Black4Ever

    Favorite lyricists?

    :cry: Just don't understand the whole lyricist thing.....If I did I guess I would be listening to :zzz: Country & Western music:waah: I do sing along to songs and appreciate the vocal talent of an individual, but what they have to say lyrically I don't care. Musically, however, is a different...
  12. Black4Ever

    Most interesting (or funny) moment on a CD

    Wierdest - Ozzy's "Suicide Solution" and Judas Priest's "Better By You Better Than Me"...........I Almost Killed Myself:muahaha:
  13. Black4Ever

    Masters of metal vocals

    :zzz: Don't care much for vocals when there is :grin: shredding guitars and :grin: :grin: double bass pounding. To chose one would be Blackie Lawless.
  14. Black4Ever

    Response To Barney G's Comments On 9/11 Attack

    Barney is not the only guy whose view of terrorism being justified has pissed me off, but Serj T. from System of a Down got my blood boiling as well(Sept. 14 in the BLABBERMOUTH archives). Now, granted, I "hate" these people who, IN AMERICA, saying shit like this, but the last thing I would do...