Recent content by BlackDawn

  1. BlackDawn

    New album compared to the demo songs

    I´ve had 8 demo songs and was listening to them basically every day for more than 1 year. When the album has been released I really felt somehow disappointed because of all the changes in the music, lyrics and sound. If I don´t remember it all wrong the final mixing of the demo songs has been...
  2. BlackDawn


    Finally they´ve signed a contract! *puh* :) I´m very happy for the guys. Hope everything will work out fine.
  3. BlackDawn

    some pictures from the gig at the Close-Up Festival

    Wow! Your pics are awesome!!! Very good shots of Mojjo (that´s rare!). Thanks a million! :)
  4. BlackDawn

    some pictures from the gig at the Close-Up Festival

    Indeed awesome pics. Thanks! I can´t wait to see ENGEL on 2nd June at the Rock Hard Festival in Germany. The guys won the Demo-Band contest of the Rock Hard magazine and so the festival will start with the gig of ENGEL.
  5. BlackDawn

    I want to learn swedish...

    Tyg = stuff, apa = ape/monkey Is that right?
  6. BlackDawn

    I want to learn swedish...

    Unfortunatly I still didn´t find the time to take professional lessons in swedish. :erk: So I have a question to the swedes: What means "Tygapa"? Jag har ingen aning.
  7. BlackDawn

    The NOW PLAYING thread Part II

    Now playing: "Scrutinized" - Hypocrisy :heh:
  8. BlackDawn

    The NOW PLAYING thread Part II

    "The Brother-Slayer" - Amorphis
  9. BlackDawn


    You´re damn right! I´m already waiting since more than 1 year!
  10. BlackDawn

    Demo of the Month!

    ENGEL became DEMO OF THE MONTH in the german Rock Hard magazine (No. 227, in stores since 15th March 2006). My congratulations to the band! You guys deserve it...and much more!:flame:
  11. BlackDawn


    Did you ever think about the similarity of the names "Engelin" (Niclas) and ENGEL...? The band name (was and) is ENGEL. Only the name of their homepage is Engelpropaganda.
  12. BlackDawn

    Pics from the gig in Cologne!!

    @Herr Flesk Keine Ahnung ob man sich kennt. Wahrscheinlich eher nicht. :) Guck mal auf meiner Page bei den Pics von Into Eternity nach. Da bin ich mit Chris zusammen abgelichtet.
  13. BlackDawn

    Post your phone number

    Well, nice! ;) One or two of these dicks look very tasty... :grin:
  14. BlackDawn

    DROWN INC. - kicks ass! Don´t miss it!

    Hi there! Please check out the music of DROWN INC. Drown Inc. Songs Bang your head and please let me know what you guys think. ;)
  15. BlackDawn

    Pics from the gig in Cologne!!

    @HerrFlesk Danke für die Pics. Ich wollte zwar selber welche machen, aber aus der Menge heraus werden die ja nie besonders gut und scharf. Johan hat meinen Freund und mich zwar auf die Gästeliste gesetzt, aber wegen der DVD-Aufzeichnung war kein Fotopass drin. Die Leute mit den Handkameras...