Recent content by BlackMagik

  1. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    Two new releases today from Toontrack: the epic Power Metal Midi with Efraim Juntunen at the helm: and the Hard Rock Midi release performed by Rival Son's Michael Miley: I am very impressed...
  2. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    Audio samples are up too. Love that Mono kit ....
  3. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    Hell yes \m/ The new Bob Rock SDX for Superior 3 is badass. Love the Metallica Kit - forget what they actually call it in the program, but Black Album quality drums for sure.
  4. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    The audio demos are nice
  5. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    The new toontrack release is more MIDI, not Fuck You Midi, but Doom/Core MIDI. Sounds killer to me, but I'm not drunk or stoned or both yet.
  6. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    Ha ha..........sign me up for that MIDI. They should charge $39.99.
  7. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    I'm digging ~Burny~, drunk at 3:04 p.m. on a Monday and telling everyone to fuck off or directly fuck you. Very metal. Maybe toontrack will release some drunk mother fucking midi in honor of ~Burny~
  8. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    I was going to say that I'd like to see some Thrash related MIDI, but they have already released this type of MIDI offering last Tuesday. Let's see what this Tuesday brings.
  9. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2017

    Toontrack has begun metal month for November 2017 - Is there anything you would like to see from them?
  10. BlackMagik

    Mastering RMS - To crush or not to crush, that is the question

    Very good points as well. \m/
  11. BlackMagik

    Mastering RMS - To crush or not to crush, that is the question

    Fresh ears works wonders usually. Agreed. \m/
  12. BlackMagik

    Mastering RMS - To crush or not to crush, that is the question

    Something inside me keeps saying crank it up more, but the range you listed is probably best. Not too low to the point you're reaching for the volume knob immediately and not too much treble/distortion because it was pushed too far. \m/
  13. BlackMagik

    Mastering RMS - To crush or not to crush, that is the question

    I've been mastering projects to peak at -7db RMS lately, but I know that a ton engineers think this is way too loud. I can get about -4db or -5db of RMS range in the song, with -11db or -12db being present at the quietest parts and -7db being present at the loudest. Most of my songs are...
  14. BlackMagik

    Toontrack Metal Month 2016

    Today Toontrack released the last Metal Month 2016 product: Black Metal Midi. Efraim Juntunen from Naglfar is the drummer. Pretty sick beats on the Soundcloud samples. Look forward to trying this one out soon.