Recent content by BlackMetalerWolf

  1. BlackMetalerWolf


    Same here :)
  2. BlackMetalerWolf


    You just described Theistic Satanism fyi
  3. BlackMetalerWolf

    Satan <--- watch this (and the second part), it shows Satan as positive and God as a tyrant, it basically describes Theistic Satanism (Satan worshiping). Me? I don't believe in God or Satan or religion. Sure I like Satan, only because it opposes religion...
  4. BlackMetalerWolf

    Is it bad to tie your hair in a ponytail?

    I've heard that if you tie your hair back into a ponytail often, overtime your hairline will receed. Anyone know if that's true or have experienced it?
  5. BlackMetalerWolf

    Anyone else always told to cut their hair?

    Well I just started growing my hair a few months ago and it's almost at the bottom of my nose now and it's never ever been this long (it excites me lol). Everyone is saying that my hair looks good longer (I'm guessing because it's wavy). I'm planning on growing it down to almost my belly button...
  6. BlackMetalerWolf

    What kinda girls do you go for?

    Ok, let me get this straight: girl that likes "true" metal = attractive girl, girl that dislikes "true" metal = not attractive girl. :D
  7. BlackMetalerWolf

    What kinda girls do you go for?

    You like metal? I would have never guessed lol. You look great though. Anyways, the first girl I meet that likes black metal and is not scene, emo, poseur punk, or poseur goth, I will go for her lol, well um if she looks good, as in not bad. I havn't met a girl like that ever :'( let alone...
  8. BlackMetalerWolf

    What music are you ashamed to say you listen to ?

    AFI's December Underground, Green Day's American Idiot. I'm not really ashamed of them (ok well I hate Green Day now lol, but AFI is okay, especially its early days), they're albums that have stuck with me from when I was 10-12ish.