Recent content by BlacktoothGrin

  1. BlacktoothGrin

    Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

    As I took so much from this thread I thought I would document my experience in setting about recording drums for my metal band to share with others who may be thinking about doing the same thing. Glenn, so many thanks for your (and a few of you others) input...
  2. BlacktoothGrin


    Come for night of metal with the mighty Dragnerve headlining! Free CDs n T-shirt giveaway. A venue right next to a tittie bar...come on, it doesn't get much better for a Friday night! For a taste of what's coming check out
  3. BlacktoothGrin

    London's finest METAL...

    Gig in Stockewell was so much fun. Got a couple of new fans who were totally blown away by our set. Got more gigs coming...18th July in Walthamstowe and 17th Aug in Camden.
  4. BlacktoothGrin

    new big 4 of thrash

    Wow - I've just had an unravelling of why I hate so many 'metal' bands out there. I was a HUGE Pantera fan - but I totally see where you're coming from with regards to them 'killing off' the metal scene...they were the first heavy mainstream band (that I got into) who wore shorts etc and...
  5. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    Check out our new myspace site. T-shirts now for sale.
  6. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    Sadly our 14th June gig in Bristol has been cancelled.
  7. BlacktoothGrin

    London's finest METAL...

    More gigs coming up...14th June in Bristol...19th June Stockewell, London...check website for further details - - AND to get 5 free tracks!!!
  8. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    More gigs coming up...14th June in Bristol...19th June Stockewell, London...check website for further details - - AND to get 5 free tracks!!!
  9. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    Dragnerve are playing at Dingwalls in Middle Yard, Camden Lock, LONDON, tomorrow night (Wed 14th May). Come and witness some fierce live action!!!
  10. BlacktoothGrin

    London's finest METAL...

    Dragnerve are playing at Dingwalls in Middle Yard, Camden Lock, LONDON, tomorrow night (Wed 14th May). Come and witness some fierce live action!!!
  11. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    Damn - no comments? COME ON. You must think something!
  12. BlacktoothGrin

    new big 4 of thrash

    Out of interest...where do you all place bands like Machine Head (ignore their terrible middle albums), Death Angel, Pantera? Do they qualify as thrash? Or are they just good ol' metal?
  13. BlacktoothGrin


    PAINful indeed - to listen to that is. More practice definitely needed. Keep trying...Rome wasn't built in a day...
  14. BlacktoothGrin

    London's finest METAL...

    Hi all, I play the drums with Dragnerve. We play straight up, balls out Metal (think Pantera, Machine Head etc.) Melodies yes, cheese NO! Check our myspace for a sample of what we do: Love to know what you think.
  15. BlacktoothGrin

    DRAGNERVE-New kings of UK Thrash?

    Allow me to introduce us – We…are DRAGNERVE!! We are a no-nonsense metal band lost in a sea of watered down pop-rock wannabes and now - we want to be heard!! We’re all about playing fast, tight grooves that’ll kick you in the teeth, flip you over and kick you in the arse at the same time...