Recent content by Blaphbee

  1. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    If that 50 hours is only found in heavy metal, then that would be sorry pickings indeed. (I know you enjoy classical as well) Not necessarily. It could be that man instinctually seeks out what is better. New does not always imply better. *shrug*
  2. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    True. The secret: don't overplay them. Music doesn't have to constantly figure in one's life. luv, b.
  3. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    I don't care to hear stuff that's "good". Why waste my time if it isn't great?
  4. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    No, I'm not that same person; however, the other Blaphbee has also never heard Obituary. (I know because I've met and hung out with the guy a few times)
  5. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    I've never even heard Obituary. What the hell are you talking about? Get your fucking quotes straight.
  6. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    You have no legitimate claim on him. You can insult me all you like, but you're lying about your claim on him. How do I know? Look at Dodens' responses to me. You lie to me, I steal your man. That's fair.
  7. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    Oh look, MORE bullshit. You know I love you. Why are you giving me shit-tests like this? :(
  8. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    Absolute bullshit. There is red in my beard, and I do not decieve or lie to anyone.
  9. B

    The Chasm

    Hah, I found my copy of Deathcult used, suckers. Try looking around in Montreal used stores. I saw at least two dozen copies while I was there.
  10. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    Sweet. :) Stan's already offered to bump me back up on rep should Lenny and his cohorts start to divebomb my own rep levels. It's nice having an admin on your side when you publicly declare a jihad on another member. :D ...Uppi? Never heard of this character. Besides, I've got an impression...
  11. B

    The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

    I'm not attacking him, I just don't see what's so shit-hot about him. Hence my question. Haven't read the other two books you mention.
  12. B

    The "Those of us who frequent this forum" thread

    You know (sorry to butt in like this), I read The Eye based on an ex-girlfriend's recommendation, and found it horribly mediocre. What do you see in him? Have you read The Master and Margarita, assuming Russkie authors are your thing? Fantastic book.
  13. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    I was able to rep bomb him three times today. I already knocked him down a green square! re: Starr - I'm glad you liked that. :D I guess she didn't want to answer my questions 'cause she didn't know what I meant by them. We're now in the process of PMing each other about it. We'll see...
  14. B

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    It's a good goddamn thing I haven't posted my own pic and put all you friggin' genetic failures to shame. I can't believe how fugly all y'all are. Demiurge, you better not blow my cover. SRP, you neither. I will never forgive either of you, and my participation in Exponentiation will cease...