Recent content by Blasphemer

  1. Blasphemer

    Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

    Is there a BEEP-FREE version out now?
  2. Blasphemer

    Best Immolation album.....come on guys...!!

    Close To A World Below
  3. Blasphemer

    The first time you listened to death metal

    The year was 97 and the song was DEVOURED BY VERMIN. Saw the video on Superock - Totaly dissliked the song, but thought the video was very nice. Death Metal owns me nowdays!
  4. Blasphemer

    Bloodbath perhaps?

  5. Blasphemer

    Anyone called Blizzard Beasts here?

    You gave me a url to a webstore that was located here in Sweden. I need that url again please. E-mail me because I'm just gonna forget to come back here:
  6. Blasphemer

    Favorite Immolation

    Close To A World Below (yes, I have heard all their stuff)
  7. Blasphemer

    Grind Anyone?

    That is called death metal!
  8. Blasphemer

    Bolt Thower

    Veeeeeeeery funny.
  9. Blasphemer

    Bolt Thower

    There is nothing "grindcore" with REALM OF CHAOS! Just becuase Earache had TONS of those bands on their label in the beginning doesnt make Bolt Thrower grind! The music is just like on all their other albums but with worser production...There are some blastbeats, just like Altars of Madness...
  10. Blasphemer


    Kreator rule!! Fav. songs: Riot of Violence, People of the Lie, Love us or Hate us and Betrayer. Check my sig for url to Hypnosia´s website!
  11. Blasphemer


    :muahaha: All righty! Well I hope that Haemorrhage wont have a stageshow like that. It would be fucken silly, you know!
  12. Blasphemer


    Yes they are. I dont know much about those bands though, only downloaded some songs from their websites and sadly they didnt impress much :( But often, bands sounds better live so I guess I'll get some enjoyment from them :grin: Do you know if Haemorrhage always has a stageshow? With blood...
  13. Blasphemer


    Sweet, Emperor dude! Next Friday I'm the one who's gonna go nuts WEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  14. Blasphemer

    NEW Chuck Billy Interview on Metal Update!!!

    Great stuff \m/
  15. Blasphemer

    Metal Influenced Art (?)

    Holy shit! This thing looks like its coming out of the paper. How did you manage to do that?