Recent content by Blodørn

  1. Blodørn

    Wacken 2007 + Vlamrock Belgie who is going?

    Same... In my opinion are Immortal, Gorgoroth and Windir the best to ever come out of norwegian black metal.
  2. Blodørn

    Do you like my new addition?

    I just spilled beer all over my keyboard in an outrage of jealousy.
  3. Blodørn

    Which Black Metal Musician Are You?

    I got Ishahn :D wahaha.. I think that my answer to what's on my mind when sitting alone tipped it of. My answer was "I think of how cool I look in my new sun-glasses." Which is true. To "What is Your attitude towards sex?" is "Do it the Pagan way!" another way of saying to hell with the chicks...
  4. Blodørn

    Wacken 2007 + Vlamrock Belgie who is going?

    Anyone else looking forward to the Immortal reunion?
  5. Blodørn

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    You read all the posts Reinhold? Nice work :P
  6. Blodørn

    What AA Song Would You Most Like To See on a new Guitar Hero Game?

    Friends of The Suncross! Deffinetly Friends of The Suncross.. not just because it has an awsome guitar line, but because it's one of my favorite songs!
  7. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    Hmmm... "True Norwegian BBQ Party"
  8. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    Only if you are female
  9. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    I'm a delicacy...
  10. Blodørn

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    What about attaching jet motors to it, and make it hover in orbit around the earth, then place a huge telescope in the museum for all to see!
  11. Blodørn

    Need Some Help

    THAT was too funny :D haha, I loved the video!
  12. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    I dont mind beeing called sheep testicle
  13. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    What does it mean, norrbaggar? I just know that some swedes call norwegians that:P
  14. Blodørn

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    No, when was that? I have allways been interested in history and all that comes with it, but when I was younger I was'nt that mutch into reading newspapers ^^ btw: I was listning to swedish radio while working in the garden yesterday :P
  15. Blodørn

    Own Pictures

    So he is a swede who wants to be a norwegian? What about the term nordbaggar(can't spell that)