Recent content by Blodsmert

  1. B

    the hate thread

    Teenagers People who don't like England, fuck off to Europe if it's so super
  2. B

    Writers wanted.

    You should probably have made sure that you knew how to use the 'full stop' or 'period' before making such a bold claim.
  3. B

    Black metal question

    Poor guy, looks like he didn't take it well though. Carcassian is right, much rebellion is centred about the very anti-thesis of what is widely considered good and proper. BM is not so different and now the satanic motif is not as popular as it once was due to the fact that a lot of people now...
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    Carcassian hates black metal, right? WRONG!

    I love these posts. There's more philosophers, ancient history experts and trained musicians on this forum than you can shake a shitty stick at.
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    paddys day friday big metal drinking session going down

    It's that kid who used to hang around here being sarcastic and obnoxious to everyone by being elite and tough (similar to Dodens Grav) but then got banned for being racist. He's now proving the point that the extreme antithesis of that sort of behaviour is far more popular in an attempt to be...
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    Freak Kitchen!

    Well done, you're bound to ace that geography test. A Canadian slagging off Americans is like a Scot saying that all Brits are tossers or a German stating that Europeans smell like dirty dogs. You seem desperate to prove that Canadians are not Americans.
  7. B

    Which albums do you think get the most undeserved hate?

    Thanks for the enlightenment, I guess I'll understand it better when I am forced to see trivium before Maiden in December.
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    Freak Kitchen!

    Yea, I know that's how you lot perceive it, but that's part of the reason why other nationalities think you are egocentric loudmouths. Believe it or not, most non-Americans can't see a lot of difference between people who live in Canada and those who live in the US. Canadians are Americans...
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    Freak Kitchen!

    Them? Last time I checked Canada was in America. That video was awful - they evidently come from the 'let's think of a phrase in common usage and write a song around it' school of songwriting. Actually it was worse than awful, it's fucking insulting.
  10. B

    Which albums do you think get the most undeserved hate?

    Do metalcore idiots think this album is a masterpiece? I don't listen to metalcore so I don't see the ATG influence, but people keep talking about it. Anyone able to tell me why, as I'm quite sure that most people's dislike of this is to be cool? I know why I don't like it, and it's...
  11. B

    Mathmetal... Any advices?

    :lol: Calling those dorks math metal is just silly. How is any of it related to mathematics in any less of an abstract sense than any other type of music? Sounds to me like some fans are trying to justify their tastes by making nu-metal nerds like messchugger and sotd seem more interesting...
  12. B

    paddy band for this week is................................................ ..........

    Nice one Mitton, got my tickets for the same show. Of all the people I know going, nobody is interested in Trivium.
  13. B

    I just saw Anal Cunt last night

    You don't have to listen to the shitty music to do so? How do you manage that?
  14. B

    Quorthon Tribute

    Superb, thanks son_of_northern_darkness
  15. B

    Hendrix - what are your thoughts?

    Why? Seems an odd thing to want to bet about. About 5 minutes, but I could be a minute or 2 off.