Recent content by Blood and Fat

  1. Blood and Fat

    Game: ultimate non-metal band

    There have been some suspicious votes lately. I hope nobody's using any clones (like this one). :Smug:
  2. Blood and Fat

    Opeth in Towson, MD

    I actually never left, just changed faces. *evil laugh*
  3. Blood and Fat

    Happy Valentine's Day -

    Just like Michael Moore's films. In a different level, though. System's lovely, isn't it?
  4. Blood and Fat

    Opeth in Towson, MD

    Nice to see the forum's IQ remains as good as ever.
  5. Blood and Fat

    I am very dissapointed

    meh, can go eat my underwear. *waits for the little twit to complain and ask for a ban*
  6. Blood and Fat

    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    esa era la idea. como sea, ay te veo en el concierto de Rotting Christ. ;) y si, los burritos del 7 son la mamada. manuel, solo dije que la vi en el concierto y que tuve problemas para reconocerla (lo cual, crea lo que ella crea, fue cierto).
  7. Blood and Fat

    Watch the Sky Tonight

    I see it. Looks as bright as an antenna light.
  8. Blood and Fat

    In Flames vs. Dark Tranquillity

    DT by a long long LONG range.
  9. Blood and Fat

    I was snooping around someone's site and found...

    My thoughts as well.
  10. Blood and Fat


    Hold me.
  11. Blood and Fat

    Poll: How do you feel about smoking?

    Smoking does has its benefits, among others incrementing concentration and relieving stress. And it does it in a quite considerable way. I'm not trying to justify it, as it harms more than it does good, but I still think the whole campaign against tobacco is some fucking exaggeration. Don't...
  12. Blood and Fat

    Female musicians.....

    Don't forget about Virgin Black. Samantha Scarbe is one of the main composers there. But their new album is boring, anyway.
  13. Blood and Fat

    Female musicians..... I don't care WHAT sex they are, as long as the music's good. On second thought - we need more hermaphrodite metal bands.
  14. Blood and Fat

    band suggestions per favor

    After Forever's Prison of Desire is good.
  15. Blood and Fat

    Opinion on the last Dimmu Borgir opus!

    Progressing? They're practically using the same god-damned sound of always.