Recent content by blue heartache

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    Movies: Fighting scenes that you love!

    the matrix-neo learning kung fu fight club-edward norton beaing himself star wars episode 1-obi wan&qui gon vs dart maul
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    Favorite Movie Soundtrack?

    pulp fiction awesome moulin rouge and lotr
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    Favorite badguy?

    and agent smith from matrix
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    female android is a good idea though but by the "subject" word i mean the main problem of the film the thing it want to say.By the way is director james cameron
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    ı think terminator 3 will be unnecesary film i mean how can they continue the subject
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    Favorite badguy?

    darth maul
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    south park

    i believe south park is a very sharp look to american life style not just"crap"
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    south park

    :lol: what do you think about sout park(love it)
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    WORST film you've ever seen??

    crouching tiger hidden drogen terribly bored