Recent content by bluebongbubbles

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    Could Time Machines Become Possible??

    I do not believe time travel is possible. Past, Present, and Future are all merely concepts, existing only in our minds, so other than finding some way to alter your conscious perception of reality to such an extent that you believe that you are at a different point in time it is quite...
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    Now Reading Thread

    Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzsche my favorite book of all time
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    Metal philosophy..

    unfortunately a lot of metalheads i know tend to be sort of racist and xenophobic, but i think thats just their personality, and theyd be that way without the influence of metal
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    A survey, because, you know, I'm bored.

    1. When was the last time you washed your hair? last week sometime. mhy hair gets too soft when i wash it very unmetal 2. What were you doing this morning at 8am? listening to cannibal corpse 3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? headbanging 4. Are you any good at math? 97% in...
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    Images Most Metal - Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
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    God of War 2 - Video game

    i rented it and beat it th first in 40 sumtin hrs. amazing game. there should be a game like that, except with norse instead of greek mythology.
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    metal mojo

    ive tried goin without playin for a few days. just makes me mad cuz i end up forgettin any riffs that i do think up.
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    metal mojo

    all i get from doin thats a bone
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    metal mojo

    :Smokin: i think i kinda got me mojo back some. been playin a lot of lamb of god and slayer, but i just dont really get inspiration for any original stuff any more:waah:
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    metal mojo

    ok, so drugs only help when im on them. ive been absolutely strung out all week man, an could play great while i was still high.and drunk. and on a number of things at once.but now that im almost completely out of stuff im back to where i started pretty much. it was weird.when i smoked a...
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    metal mojo

    ooooooooooh. ibebaked:)
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    metal mojo

    i listen to a lot of slayer,cannibal corpse, emperor,carcass,deicide,cradle of filth,metallica,system of a down, and stuff of that sort.
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    beginner metal songs for new guitarist?

    metallicas black album is a good place to start. not very metal, but easy to learn. rotting christs stuff, acdc, and you have to learn how to read tablature.
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    metal mojo

    im probably going to buy a quarter of sum stinky creeper this weekend, so hopefully that will help
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    metal mojo

    mostly thrash stuff, viking metal sounding stuff, and death. but i also sometimes play blues and classical stuff. dont really write any of it down because it takes forever for me to draw out all th lines for tabs and shit, and my brother stole the mp3 player i used to used for recording my music.