Recent content by Bob Savage

  1. B

    $15 amp attentuator?

    Running your power section hot in and of itself isn't going to be of benefit if the signal coming from the preamp is weakened with that potentiometer. The power section needs to be hit with a strong signal along with cranking the power section, which means you need a hot plate or similar device.
  2. B

    Tunes from my CD

    Thanks for the input Lopes. I did have a version where there were less wide fades, but a couple folks that had heard the entire CD said that was confusing becuase it was hard to distinguish that there were different parts happening. I attempted to give snipettes that would represent the album...
  3. B

    Tunes from my CD

    O.K., so it's true, you guys ARE hardcore, metal only fans!
  4. B

    Tunes from my CD

    This stuff is not modern metal in style or voicing, so it may not appeal to all/many, but I put a "sampler" MP3 of some tunes from my album HERE. I would, however, be interested in hearing opinions on the mix... crank it! :rock:
  5. B

    New producer-website...

    Dunno, is it taboo? A stupid question? Posed wrong?
  6. B

    New producer-website...

    A real stumper, huh?
  7. B

    Another mix critique request...

    I have tried everything I know to get a decent bass sound with Amplitube, and in the end, what got me a decent direct tone was putting a C4 on the bass track itself and tweaking to taste, I then ran the bass track to a submix bus (you don't have to do this, but I do it for ease of mixing) in...
  8. B

    New producer-website...

    Only slightly related, but what exactly are "producers" doing in the music world these days? More specifically, is it usually hands off direction of the entire process (writing through mastering... album layout...), direction plus hands on... variations on these, or is it all over the map, and...
  9. B

    Another mix critique request...

    I can hear the bass clearly, but it's not adding anything to the tune. What I mean by that is, it sounds like a plain old direct bass track. It's far too weak for the style of music, IMO.
  10. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    That's pretty cool. I can loop the output on the various channels of my Fireface to send application output to my multitracker.
  11. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    Unix is a programming language? So there's a Unix compiler? I was not aware of that.
  12. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    I agree, and that's a fact.
  13. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    I smell poo. Ben and Jerry's is better than Dreyers. FACT!
  14. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that if an "army" the size of the one that feverishly works to poke holes in MS operating systems were to turn their energy towards any other OS, a lot of vulnerabilities would be exposed. It's not quite as simple as many make it to be.
  15. B

    FINALLY I made the switch - Mac > PC

    I find both Mac and PC bigotry equally disgusting.