Recent content by bob the builder

  1. bob the builder

    Metalcamp in Slowenia!

    They have 40 minute changeover and the set will be 70 minutes... Anthrax will start their changeover at 22.10.
  2. bob the builder

    children of bodom's beards?

    Jaska won the beard competition so everybody shaved their beards exept Roope...
  3. bob the builder

    Jaska Raatikainen

    This clip is available for everybody . There's 3,5 minute clip of Jaska teaching how to use double kick drums... Enjoy :rock: :rock: :rock: :worship: :worship: :worship:
  4. bob the builder

    The Bands Instrument Specs

    Btw. Alexi was playing with this set up on Dimmu tour: Peavey classic 50/50 stereo tube amp , Lee Jackson Perfect pre-amp , Intellifex ( only hush ) , Shure UHF Wireless system And yes he has je-1000 inside both of his esp guitars. He used Peavey because the engl was broken...
  5. bob the builder

    Cob-forum member photogallery!

    :Smokedev: :flame:
  6. bob the builder

    To Janne!!!!

    Hmmmmm . . . :Smokin: